Heads going into over drive. I had a viability scan last Tuesday at the ivf clinic. Baby was fine. Yesterday I noticed my symptoms had decreased. And then today they are basically gone. I'm 8w 2d. Is it normal for symptoms to just become less? I thought it may be the placenta taking over, but surely its to early. Should I be worried?? I'm still waiting on a phone call to arrange my first nhs scan since bring discharged from the ivf clinic.
Decreased symptoms.: Heads going into... - Fertility Network...
Decreased symptoms.

Yes they can come and go, or be constant, or you can have absolutely zero symptoms. Every woman experiences pregnancy differently and each pregnancy can be very different too. In both my successful pregnancies the symptoms came and went day to day and I would panic if I woke up and didn't feel nauseous, but the first time the sickness carried on like that pretty much throughout, second time it was more intense but lifted almost overnight before the end of the first trimester and didn't really come back. You usually don't get an NHS scan until 12 weeks unless there's a particular reason or concern so I had extra private scans in between for reassurance - might be worth looking into to put your mind at rest.
Yes, it can be very normal. In the early stages of the first trimester mine came and went and to be fair they actually carried on like that until 16 weeks - each time getting stronger. Enjoy the periods where you feel good (hard I know) - good luck!
I had symptoms for about 2 weeks, apart from exhaustion, which I attributed to the drugs and it freaked me out as well. So yes they can come and go or just go completely.
In fact I was being sick more in the 2nd n now 3rd trimester than I ever was in the first 🤷♀️
Congratulations mama xx
Yes this can happen, happened to me too and the baby was ok. I know it’s hard but just think everything is ok unless you have real symptoms - pain or excessive bleeding. This was the best advice I received and it got me through those moments of doubt during my pregnancy. X
Thank you ladies so much. It's certainly difficult to stay positive sometimes. Xxx
u cant indicate it with symptoms cause your hormones are all over the place and if you rely on symptoms it affect you negatively
I had days when i was completely symptom free and panicked like the world is ending
And few days after …boom symptoms coming out if my ears and nose
Generally when I weaned off meds I felt myself and amazing as problem was all meds not pregnancy