I’m currently almost 33 weeks after a round of IVF and we’re absolutely over the moon and know how lucky we are.
In that time I haven’t seen any pregnancy announcement that have upset me at all - usually the ones on Facebook used to make me upset but since being pregnant I’ve been able to just scroll past.
But today me and my partner have been told that my partners brother and his wife are going to start trying for a baby soon and it’s really made me sad. Im not upset like I used to be before being pregnant but still feel a really deep sadness about it? Im not sure if it’s because it’s just a reminder that we’ve had to go through so much to get here or because I know our little one won’t be the baby of the family for long if they start trying soon.
Baring in mind my partners brother has literally been in court recently and given community service so I think that’s making it sting a bit more as well!
Has anyone else had this? Any tips for dealing with it? I think I was looking forward to our little one being the centre of attention for a little bit after such a long time trying and it sort of feels like if they get pregnant now it’ll take some of the attention away from our little one. Not sure if that makes any sense or if I’m just rambling!