Our little girl was so good.. turned head down by 32 weeks and have been active and happy. About a week ago she became very active.. kicking throughout the night and the next day.. it was all a bit weird.. and I felt a lot of pressure in my pelvis. Thereafter followed days of uncharacteristic slow/minimal movement. Took myself off the the DAU to check it out. Heart rate absolutely fine.. but she’s only gone and turned breach! I hope she does another flip back down very soon!
Baby acrobat: Our little girl was so... - Fertility Network...
Baby acrobat

our boy was head down and then turned breach when I was induced then turned back around for birth x
Oh Bozo 🫣 these girls are giving us a run for our money LITERALLY 😂. Hopefully she will decide that it’s not that comfy and flip back! Did you discuss a c section at your last appointment I know you said you would ask. We’ve just been for a growth scan and she’s dropped below 50 centile from 75 centile 🥴
It’s amazing how many surprises these girls can throw our way! But she seems quite happy otherwise 🤷🏽♀️ We had a meeting with the birthing options midwife and she sent us loads of stuff to read. Due to speak with her again on Monday but tbh.. if baby decides to stubbornly remain breach I think my birthing chooses will be limited anyway. We also need to now speak with the breach specialist midwife… Gosh so what is the hospital saying about the growth? Maybe she is just having a slow week, but have they told you what this means and what happens next?
This same thing happened to me. I had a growth scan at 28 weeks and she was head down. Then I thought her movements slowed and changed one night. After a midwife’s appointment who thought she was head down, the next time I went for a scan at 34 weeks she was breech! My beautiful and wilful daughter remained breech till the end. 🤷🏾♀️
I hope yours turns. If not there are options. ECV and or C-section. I personally had a C section and I was very happy.
Thanks for sharing Joyful… the little ones certainly seem to know what they want. I hope she turns as well 🤞🏽ECV sounds painful.. I will probably go for a c-section if she stays head up and bottom down. It’s very weird to feel the movement in different sections of my tummy
That is so true, I was so used to feeling the kicks in the rib area that it was the weirdest feeling to feel her kicks lower down. By the end of the 3rd trimester, I could tell where her head was every morning!
I also hope your little one turns. I also turned down the ECV so don’t blame you. My midwife sent me info about a website called spinning babies. Have you heard of it? Some people say it works for them.
She seems to now be kicking near my kidneys.. so strange. I’ve just read of the spinning babies website. Will be checking it out soon. No harm trying it, right. Funny-I’ve been indecisive about natural/elective c-section birth. Maybe baby will choose for me😅
The miles circuit website is also supposed to be helpful Bozo ☺️ Currently 32 weeks myself and I’m going to start some spinning babies and miles circuit stretches in a couple of weeks. Good luck!
How annoying! But yes! Check out spinning babies- there are exercises to turn them around.