Hi guys I’m just wondering if anyone can help. I had my 12 week NHS scan and already feeling really big and bloated. My breasts feel huge too! I did have some abdominal fat before transfer just wondering if In an ivf pregnancy you tend to get bigger Iv weighed myself and have already gained 3kg. Any advice would be appreciated
Weight gain 😑: Hi guys I’m just... - Fertility Network...
Weight gain 😑

Congratulations on the 12 week milestone! My stomach was absolutely huge from early on - I looked like I was carrying a beach ball on my front and by 9 weeks we had to tell people and then I was repeatedly told I'd got my dates wrong as I was so big. I didn't change much from then until 5months. Boobs also went up by several cup sizes. I was worried and asked the midwives as I thought I had too much fluid but they said a lot of it is genetics, your frame, where the placenta is (anterior means it sticks out more), if you're carrying high, have more fluid... If it's more general weight gain, again I think it's very individual and some women gain loads, and in different places. Can't see why IVF would make a difference unless it's a hangover from the meds. Didn't cause any problems for me save having to get maternity wear very early and actually it's super comfy 🙂

Hi Saraknt. Ideally a whole pregnancy weight gain should be 6-12 kgs. You will be carefully monitored throughout so any problems can be spotted early. Hope all goes well. Diane
Hello lovely, just wanted to say you're definitely not alone. I'm nearly 27 weeks now and have felt I'm really big right from early on. My boobs also got bigger quickly, and I needed a new bra size before I was 12 weeks. I do wonder if the extra progesterone we IVF'ers tend to be on makes a difference, at least to the rapid boob size gain 😆 It's not caused me any problems so far, and none of the medical people have mentioned any concerns, but that hasn't stopped me worrying! I do think MrsOrangejuice is right about all the things that can effect it, and I'm trying to just relax and have this be one time in my life when I don't worry about being fat 😊
Hi Sarakht! I echo what the others have said but also wanted to mention that I am an IVF pregnancy and have lost weight in the first trimester because of the nausea and indigestion. If I had been able to eat normally, I’m sure I would have put on weight too as that’s how my body would work pre-pregnancy. Even now at 18 weeks, I’m still struggling to eat normal portions so I’m taking pregnancy vitamins just to feel a bit better about my poor diet. Having said that, I still look big, which I had been blaming on severe constipation. So I think you can look bigger regardless and if you are managing a normal intake, hopefully you are gaining a healthy amount of weight too. I think the NHS website has something on how much weight you should gain per trimester and an average per week. As others said, this is the time where you can feel comfortable about your body 😉. I bought a couple of summer dresses yesterday and thought: “well, this summer I don’t have to worry about my stomach showing when wearing maxi dresses!” 🤣
2 ivf pregnancies here!First pregnancy I only gained around 8 to 9 kg total.
Current ivf pregnancy (33 weeks pregnant) gained 7 kg so far.
But the thing is I count my calories and I watch what I eat very very carefully cause I did get gestational diabetes with my first pregnancy.
The 3 kg you gained also could be all water retention, drink lots of water to help flush the water out.
Wow 33 weeks how amazing! Many congratulations 🤩Thank you so much for your reply very helpful to have this comparison of weight gain. I am worried about gestational diabetes. If you don’t mind me asking are you avoiding starchy carbs or having a mixed variety of food like carbs n protein rich. Did you start feeling sick when you are counting calories or your body gets used to it. Also are you on any supplements for sugar control.