Hi ladies, I had a missed miscarriage May 20th and then had surgical management of the miscarriage on 1st June. When is it likely my period should return? What has been everyone else's experience? My cycles are usually like clockwork so I am keen to get my period so I can start tracking my cycle again. But I am beginning to panic.
Still no AF after miscarriage - Fertility, Miscar...
Still no AF after miscarriage
Hi KDA0510, I’m so sorry about your mmc. I also had a mmc in March, I had surgical management. I’m always clockwork but it took 6 wks for my first one after the procedure xx
Hello, it took over 6 weeks for my periods to return following a MMC last year and surgery xx
Hi, I know this was a while ago now, but I’m looking for help with mine.
Missed miscarriage start of December (scabbed at 10 weeks, baby died at 9). Bled for 5 weeks. Period came and lasted almost 4 weeks. Period ended and next one is a week late. Did this happen to you?
I don’t know how long to wait for my period before I contact someone! Early pregnancy say everything is normal - I could grow an elephant out of my ear and they’d say it’s normal!
Hi Walshly, it’s so frustrating to be told “it’s normal”, especially when we know what normal means for our own body. I wonder whether maybe speaking to your GP might be more helpful? Or a fertility specialist?
My periods didn’t go back to “normal” for a few cycles. My cycles were always 30 days on the dot. I used an app but almost didn’t need to because they were like clockwork.
However, after the MC they ranged anywhere from 36 days to 21 days. I can’t say if they’re back to 30days yet because I’m now in the middle of ivf treatment and have been on gnRH to shut off my periods.
Hope you get your cycle back to normal and definitely push your GP / fertility specialist if you have one. They’ll always say it’s normal but it’s up to us to self advocate. Best of luck! x
I haven’t think (touch wood) my period might have started today! I hope it has 🤞🏻
Tried explaining to my partner that when you’re a woman, sometimes your period can be reassuring like ‘this is a sign that my body is doing ok.’ So I feel such relief at this period.
Hoping I ovulate after this 🙏🏼