First Cycle of IVF : Hi! My husband... - Fertility, Miscar...

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First Cycle of IVF

Hopingforamiracle19 profile image


My husband and I are due to embark upon our very first cycle of IVF on 3rd January 2020. I’m feeling a mixture of emotions but mostly really apprehensive....I want to feel excited but we know if we get too carried away and we don’t get our miracle we will feel so devastated so trying to stay grounded although it’s so hard! Has anyone got any hints or tips that might make the process a little easier to handle? I’m so new at all of this.

Thanks in advance.


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20 Replies
Littlepeax profile image

Hey :) first tip would be not to put too much pressure on yourself. After my first embryo transfer I put a huge amount of pressure on myself as I wanted it to work so much.. I rushed off to have acupuncture, I came home and laid in bed all day feeling worried and stressed 😣 I was def overthinking the whole thing! Next time around, I know what to expect and I'm just going to carry on as normal and keep busy. Let your body do its job and dont let the mind take over! Lol Xxx

Cici85 profile image

Hi Hopingforamiracle19 i start tomorrow as well. Hopefully everything goes on well for each and everyone this new year.

EasterChick profile image

Good luck! We were successful on our 3rd round (1st failed, 2nd missed miscarriage at 7w, 3rd worked!) and we’ve got our 21w scan on 3rd.

As others suggest, take it easy, try to mentally rest as much as you can because you’ve got a tedious 2week wait to follow, then if your BFP, a 5 week wait to your 7w viability scan, then 5 weeks till your NHS 12w scan, then ages to the 20/21 week scan then you’ll be in a panic because you didn’t want to jinx it and book antenatal classes and you’ll find them all booked up. Oh, then before you know it you’ll have a baby to keep your mind busy lol.

Summary - chill out if you can and enjoy each moment for what it is xxx

How are you doing now you're a few days in? I'm due to start on the 17th. Got all my drugs delivered by courier yesterday and feeling pretty overwhelmed!

Hope you're holding up ok.


Hopingforamiracle19 profile image
Hopingforamiracle19 in reply to

Hi there.

Well my period didn’t arrive until this morning so I’m starting with my first injection tonight! I’m feeling really excited now....know I need to be grounded but I also thought I don’t want to look back if it is a positive end result and wish I had of been a bit more upbeat about it all. The way I look at it is that this is going to bring me closer to our goal than I have been before so I’m feeling pretty good about it all! And if it doesn’t work then we will just go again....and again 🙈🙈! Who knows what will happen!

It looks a lot of stuff when the drugs arrive doesn’t it?! I was overwhelmed too but I’ve set it all up in the spare room ready for tonight and for the next few weeks so I’m not stressed trying to find what I need in the massive box it came in! How are you feeling about doing the injections?


in reply to Hopingforamiracle19

Exciting that today is go day!

I've got mine stashed in the utility room ready for day 21 of my cycle (sounds like our treatments are a touch different).

Feeling apprehensive about the injections as I'm a needle-phobe but I'm sure once I've done one the rest will be easier. Hope your first one goes ok!xx

KayCan profile image

Hi, The only tip I could give is to take this 1 step at a time, and try not to put too much pressure on yourself, it is tough both mentally and physically. Try to laugh often and keep the positivity. Even when my husband and I were going through it, I do remember us laughing at certain situations we found ourselves in (pulling into a lay by to give me my injection as an example, things you have to do hey!) Best of luck to you 🍀

8Fingerscossed profile image

Hi. Hope you don't mind me asking.... but it's been a month since you posted. What has happened in this time and how u feeling. I am just at the very beginning of my first ivf round. Thank u

Hopingforamiracle19 profile image
Hopingforamiracle19 in reply to 8Fingerscossed

Of course I don’t mind you asking...

I am now in the 2ww and it’s been 6 days since I had a little blastocyst transferred! The wait is killing me...I am not due to test until 3rd feb but dying to know now what it’s going to be!

Good luck with everything for you and hope it all goes well! Have you started injections yet? Or is your protocol different? Xx

Littlepeax profile image
Littlepeax in reply to Hopingforamiracle19

I'm 6 days too and stupidly tested today. Got a BFN 💔 heartbroken 😔

Hopingforamiracle19 profile image
Hopingforamiracle19 in reply to Littlepeax

Oh no don’t get upset! It’s far too early to test hun....wipe those tears away and remember that you absolutely have this 💪🏻💪🏻 Don’t be heartbroken because it’s too too early to know. If you get too upset then it may hinder you so chin up wait for a few more days, everything can turn around in that time!

Get something funny on netflix and snuggle up and just relax.....everything is going to be ok xxx

Littlepeax profile image
Littlepeax in reply to Hopingforamiracle19

That's what my husband has been saying, thank you so much for your encouraging words ♥️💫🙏 huge good luck to you too xxx

Hopingforamiracle19 profile image
Hopingforamiracle19 in reply to Littlepeax

Good hubby! Keep going, it’s gonna be fine!

Good luck for the next few days to you too and will look out for your BFP announcement 🌈🌈❤️❤️ xxx

Littlepeax profile image
Littlepeax in reply to Hopingforamiracle19

🥰🙏 you too and thanks again xxx

8Fingerscossed profile image
8Fingerscossed in reply to Hopingforamiracle19

Hi. Thank you for getting back to me... it's all happened a bit first. I am back to hospital tomorrow. To book my apps for bloods,injection class and egg collection. So at the very very beginning

Oh wow so its moved along fast then.... maybe not for you🙈 I bet being it that time. But I wish u all the best. Fingers crossed for u.

I am thinking about what dates I'll get tomorrow for all the above appointments and that's doing my head in😂🙈 been trying for so long now.

Hopingforamiracle19 profile image
Hopingforamiracle19 in reply to 8Fingerscossed

Oh gosh yes so at the very beginning. I have very short cycles so I think that’s why they put me on a short protocol!

Once you get it all booked it will really start to gather wings and you will feel like you are never away from the clinic. I can’t offer you anything other than this time is absolutely all about you and your needs, don’t feel bad for not making social occasions or for just wanting to nap on the sofa, this is a time when you need to take care of yourself and rest as much as you can to help the little eggs...stay as relaxed and as stress free as possible although I know this process doesn’t make this easy really. If you want to ask any questions at all feel free, I’m just at home so not doing anything. This group is so good for advice too so if you need anything just post and there will always be someone to help.

Good luck with everything, I will be looking forward to hearing your progress xxx

8Fingerscossed profile image
8Fingerscossed in reply to Hopingforamiracle19

Ahh thank you so much. You're so kind. I am a bit like a deer in head lights.

I have just found out after my op, I have stage 4 endometriosis.

Yeah so at the very beginning. No idea but just like everyone else hoping it all comes together and works . I am based in London so only get 1 fresh and 1 frozen on the nhs. But taking it each day as it comes and see what happens. But this is me now.... saying this.... I sure there are lots of people who have send this.

I wish you all the best. And am now following you, so see how u get on 🤞

Thank you for being so kind.... I don't have a clue 😂🙈


Hopingforamiracle19 profile image
Hopingforamiracle19 in reply to 8Fingerscossed

Bless you it’s a daunting experience and one that none of us ever think we will ever have to go through when we start out on this mad ttc journey so I get it! I’m no pro at this just yet and I’m hoping this time round works for us but you just never know! I’ve got positive vibes today though so I think that’s a good sign for all of us, we are in this together as mad as that sounds!

I’ve followed you too so looking forward to seeing your updates.


8Fingerscossed profile image
8Fingerscossed in reply to Hopingforamiracle19

That's it. we all go through this a you never know.

Hoping tomorrow will help me, understand and focus knowing dates ect.

Also get my chat about on how and what my op was like in more detail.

Good vibes are a good thing.


Karinyaa profile image

Thank you for sharing your story. We tried IUI, ICSI and IVF cycles. All the options are great unless you're diagnosed properly for them. My dh had low sperm count and motility so our dr suggested us to try former options. Though he never told my eggs weren't going to work!! Which was very frustrating when we got to know about this issue at BTC which suggested us to look onto egg donation which finally resulted in a healthy baby boy. I believe the most important thing is to choose a good expert/clinic to be with.

Am on another side of the treatment now but here's a couple of things to share. I was told about these side effects after IVF may include: Passing a small amount of fluid (may be clear or blood-tinged) after the procedure. Mild cramping. Mild bloating. Constipation. Breast tenderness. I was also told at the clinic to call dr immediately if I happen to experience any of these: Heavy vaginal bleeding. Pelvic pain. Blood in the urine. A fever over 100.5 °F (38 °C). Also some side effects of fertility medications may include: Headaches. Mood swings. Abdominal pain. Hot flashes. Abdominal bloating. Ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome.

Take good care and hoping for everyone's luck x

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