After 2 years ttc, 2 rounds of IVF, 1 failed and 1 ending in an early miscarriage followed by 2 further early miscarriages, we finally fell pregnant naturally in 2023 with our now 21 month old. He’s the best thing ever and I am so grateful for him.
I am 39 and after conceiving naturally and carrying to term, we thought we might give it another go. We’ve been having unprotected sex for 10 months and it’s not happening…
With my sons pregnancy I took low dose aspirin and progesterone suppositories and I have contacted the recurrent miscarriage who I prescribed this as a precaution for my sons pregnancy, and they have said to start this again if we get a positive test. But I am keen to know if anyone knows more about the aspirin? I mean that was the one thing we did differently and it coincidentally worked. Would this mean I have a blood clotting disorder? I was never able to have the tests so would never know and now apparently I don’t qualify to be seen by the miscarriage clinic again…
We never had a diagnosis for our infertility. I have Hashimoto’s disease but my hypothyroidism is now under control.
I feel so grateful for our little boy but also feel like time is ticking and if we want to have another one we have to do it now. It doesn’t feel like it’s going to happen though… Should I give up trying?