hi all,
I’m just looking for anyone that can relate to my current experience. I had 4 natural miscarriages while trying to conceive all before 12 weeks. I then had IVF last year. 16 eggs, 8 embryos, 5 blastocysts 1 fresh put back. Pregnant first time. Then the baby had no heartbeat at 9 weeks. I had to have medical management in the end. I’ve had a frozen transfer at the start of March and now pregnant again.
Exactly the same as last time no spotting, some cramping but a little more than last time and mood swings which I didn’t have last time. So I feel like ultimately I’m going to have the same outcome. Not looking for reassurance more relatable experience.
I’m under care from the recurrent miscarriage clinic as well as the hospital. Can anyone relate and give me any kind of advice and if they had a successful heartbeat? My scan isn’t until the 7th of April this is when the misscarriage get involved depending on if there is an heartbeat and I’m already dreading the outcome of this scan.
Any advice is really appreciated x