Hello please can anyone help . I have had 10 miscarriages and going through another one and have had 1 still birth . All my bloods and tests come back normal but I always seem to lose the baby at 5 week plus always saying baby stopped growing and no heartbeat. Why is this happening I dont know . I am 40 years old and hubby 42 . I am losing hope now . This pregnancy was ivf first cycle and the worst ever miscarriage I'm going through . Please can someone help . I do not have time on my side .
Losing hope : Hello please can anyone... - Fertility, Miscar...
Losing hope

Oh, dear, I'm so sorry to hear about your painful road..I cannot imagine the amount of pain you've been and are still going through..God love you, poor thing, I'm so sorry..May I ask, did you do with oe?? I've read much about mtiochondrial donation in case there's egg quality issue..Have you heard about it? My dr told me, early mc is often assosiated with embryo quality..Did your dr investigate? What does he say might be the more exact reason??
Sending you my huge supportive hugs.
Hello Serrine
Thank you for your post . What is oe? I was proxeed prior to ivf treatment. No I havent heard about mitochondrial donation . The drs havent investigated my embryo as my tissues havent been tested nor catched . They did a hystrescopy in august this year as they said my uterus was heart shaped . So they made it rounder . I have to go to see consultant in feb . Which is a long way away as I dont have time on my side. But no choice . I have hypertension but is controlled by medication . Just dont understand why the same thing keeps happening and drs are useless .
Hey lovely, I’m so very sorry to hear of your losses 😔
I’ve noticed you have hypertension - I do too and they changed my meds to be suitable for pregnancy and I take aspirin with them too. After my miscarriage the gynaecology unit also suggested I increase my folic acid to 5mg which either needs to be prescribed or can be bought on Amazon - this all helps with blood flow. I just thought it may be worth mentioning to you.
I know Feb feels a long way off but it will give you the opportunity to maybe make these adjustments in time.
Good luck lovely. You really deserve all the happiness ❤️
Hello CLDxxx
Thank you for your post . Yes I have been taking methlodopa which is suitable for pregnancy. Also was on proxeed ,co enzyme q10 aspirin 150g and folic acid 5mg , prednisolone for natural killer cells .
So I was dosed up with everything. I was also on cyclogest and tinzaparin injections.
Will find out monday what my options are .
Maybe it was my body rejected it each time not sure .
Will keep you posted.
Ah I see. I’m also on methyldopya but only 75mg of aspirin. Sounds like they are doing what they can for blood flow.
I’m sorry you’re going through a bad time. It sounds like they need to do more checks on you - I really hope you get some answers. Have you seen a gynaecologist also? Xxx
Hello CLDxxx
I really hope so too , it's to much to take in emotionally and physically. My body feels like its had enough now . Yes I'm going on monday to see my gynecologists so will find out what my options are .
SerrineV I'm currently reading more and more people are using mitochondrial donation. It's aimed to ''restore'' fertility in women of 40+ yrs. and with low amh levels. That is they take healthy active mitochondria from donor's eggs. Then ''insert'' those to intended mother's own eggs. After this they fertilize oe with semen like in ivf, and transfer the resulting embyo. These mitochondria are sth like ''power banks'' for egg cells. It allows them fertilize and further develop into ''perfect'' embryos.
I had about possibly 5 miscarriages 1 pregnancy at 5 months pregnant my Son that did not make it and my Daughter at all most 18 weeks after much Prayer we considered Adoption and now am at Peace with my body not trying to carry a baby full term am 33 years old berly have 1 year in the Adoption process can't wait for our lil blessing to come.
I will have be bawling my eyes out with such a sweet post like that!
I don’t often feel brave. Just feel sometimes we have no choice but to keep chugging along like the little engine that could? And hope we don’t turn out of steam!
I’m praying for your luck, luv. Nerves strained but it’s normal. It cannot be vice versa..
Hi there. I am so, so sorry you are going through all of this. Other than everything else that has already been mentioned, If you have natural killer cells, have you looked at having Intralipids as well as the prednisolene? My husband and I had ivf and I had Intralipids on the last two cycles. When you had the embryo put back did they tell you the quality? Only they should have done. It could be an egg/embryo issue. Has your other half been checked out too? Only you have a normal sperm test but also a sperm fragmentation test. We had seven rounds of ivf and only on the sixth cycle was this fragmentation test mentioned and off the back of this we had ICSI.
Wishing you all the luck in the world.
Hope this gives you hope but my husband and I started trying for a baby over 6 years ago. I then found out I had bad endometriosis. 3 operations to treat this, 6 rounds of ivf and 3 miscarriages later we decided to go with an egg donor as they believed it was an egg quality issue along with the killer cells and our little girl was born in July. I couldn’t love her more if I tried 💗
Have you tested for Mthfr? Clotting disorders? Immune issues?
And DONT TAKE FOLIC ACID. You need folate, the pure form of it especially if you have mthfr.
Hello there
Yes I have checked all ok . Immune issues not sure about . I was on folic acid 5mg .
Have you had any investigations?like a laposcopy
Hi no I had a hysteroscopy.
What isca laparoscopy