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Silent miscarriage after IVF/ICSI

5 Replies

Has anyone had a silent miscarriage where the embryo failed to develop?

Got BFP in September I had a scan at 7 weeks and then at 9 weeks to be told there was no further development. I stopped the meds and miscarried a couple of days later.

Whenever I talk about it I say I lost a pregnancy because it hadn’t developed beyond a gestational sac and I didn’t see a foetus. I find this so hard. If it was a ‘normal’ pregnancy I wouldn’t have known it wasn’t a baby yet.

We did FET due to diminished reserve and could only afford one cycle. No embryos left to try again either.

Feel broken. I try so hard to put a brave face on every day.

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5 Replies
kitscat profile image

Oh I’m so sorry. Sending you a virtual hug xx

Mara84 profile image

I’m so sorry, I had experienced two missed miscarriages I know how you feel....

also have one failed IVF cycle.

This journey has been really tough and I only hope 2020 is going to be a better year. Don’t lose hope xx

Thank-you. Although the journey is at an end, we’re hoping to start a new one next year. We’re considering adoption/long term fostering. It’s all just very raw at the moment.

Are you continuing with IVF? I hope 2020 is also better for you. xx

EasterChick profile image

Catherine I’m so sorry for you and your partner that you have experienced this. It happened to me on my 2nd of 3 FET rounds and was bitterly disappointing. The silver lining though is that you CAN get pregnant, and not only that, but once pregnant your body was saying - hey, I’ve got this and I don’t want to let go of it! In our case we believe there was something wrong in the embryo to make it not grow - nature’s way of preventing things going too far I guess. The knowledge that pregnancy was possible helped us go to round 3, and at the moment I’m 21w. I hope things work out for you in 2020 x

Congratulations! I’m so pleased for you.

I was glad to have been able to be pregnant,if only for a short time. If we had any embryos left, I’d give it another go, but we were left with one at the end of the 5 days which was implanted. I do think the embryos were poor as DH has low count and motility so the quality weren’t good.

We’ll have to see what 2020 holds.

Good luck to you too xx

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