Can anyone advise me of what tests are worth having done to see why my body essentially keeps rejecting?
I have now had three failed rounds of IVF with good quality eggs and embryos (March 2015, October 2015 and just finished my third round with a BFN) and a natural pregnancy in January 2016 where I miscarried at 12 weeks (had a scan at 7 weeks and all was fine then rushed to A&E at 12 weeks with the most horrific pain and bleeding)
As we have to pay for everything ourselves now I'm reluctant to go through any more IVF without finding some answers so any suggestions appreciated. I have heard about NK cells testing but is there anything else I should also be looking into?
I am 39 and have stage 4 endometriosis which was cleared at a specialist centre last October so I feel like I am running out of time 😒
Thanks in advance for any help x