Is this a miscarriage I don’t know what to do or what to think
Is this a miscarriage : Is this a... - Fertility, Miscar...
Is this a miscarriage
Have you had a BFP earlier? If so then this could be but if not there's hardly a chance of early MC. When did you had you last normal AF? Only from this pics it's hard to say though if it's the embryo or just and endometrium chunk that appears to be in the shape of a very very early foetas. Also, I doubt so early (judging from the size) the embryo would look any different than a tissue ball. Considering any early MC than 6-7 weeks into gestation shouldn't have any shape as far I know because the cell differentiation of foetal cells starts around this time. I myself have had experienced passing out hard and round similar type of endometrium chung in natural AF. Am super sure it wasn't chemical because we were on a break from TTC n repetitive faliure to try n rekindle some love and hope. Still if you have doubts talk to your doc... they can surely shed some light on this.