Anyone have success with Prednisolone... - Fertility, Miscar...

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Anyone have success with Prednisolone for recurrent miscarriage?

Puds1979 profile image
16 Replies

Hi all,

To give a brief overview of my situation, I have suffered 8 miscarriages/early losses and in August this year I was seen by Prof Brosens and Prof Quenby at Coventry hospital. I had all the tests run including NK cells, but all came back normal. Nevertheless, Prof Brosens recommend progesterone (which I have been on before) and Prednisolone from week 5 of pregnancy. They also said because of the two biopsies I had for the NK cells test, which acts like a scrap, now is the best time for us to try.

Last month I conceived (I never have any problem conceiving), but I knew very soon after it wasn't right as I had no symptoms at all and my tests were faint. So I didn't even get to 5 weeks to try to prednisolone.

This month I have conceived again, I am 4.5 weeks today, but again, the tests are faint and I have no symptoms, and having gone through this so many times, in my heart of hearts I know the signs. But I was just wondering, if anyone has any success stories with Prednisolone? If I started taking it now, is there any chance it could save this pregnancy, or is it already too late?

Any comments or advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Puds1979 profile image
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16 Replies

Hi are you supposed to take it before conception? Or during pregnancy?

Puds1979 profile image
Puds1979 in reply to

I was told to take it from week 5, but i’ve had a negative test this morning so it’s another chemical :(

in reply to Puds1979

Oh I’m so sorry I’ve had 2 mc don’t think I could emotionally take another 1 not mind 9 😪 I’m currently 5w we get to 12w before we find out we’re mc I’m so scared this will be the same. I hope you can find something that helps xx sending hugs xx

in reply to

I did mc again 3rd one at 12w 😢 my last pregnancy ended in jan not conceived since.

Puds1979 profile image
Puds1979 in reply to

Hi there, I am so sorry to hear this, I know how utterly heartbreaking it is. It's so strange that I got this message today. I had managed to get pregnant this month, the first time this year which is unusual for me as I used to fall pregnant really quickly. I had a positive test on Monday, but sadly today it's barely visible so it's another chemical. I don't know why this keeps happening but it seems to me that it's time to face facts it's not going to happen. Life can be so hard sometimes hey! xx

in reply to Puds1979

I know some triggered the post after a long time. Just thought I’d add. I hope your not having another chemical lifes unfair!

Bigoo profile image
Bigoo in reply to

Me.. currently 35 weeks.. prednisolone baby!

So happy I found ❤️ and got prednisolone with coupon code "SALE10"

Puds1979 profile image
Puds1979 in reply to Bigoo

Huge congratulations to you! Can I ask at what stage did you start taking it?

E_05 profile image

So sorry for all you’ve been through, I took prednisolone from CD1 but I don’t know if it works differently as mine was an IVF pregnancy. I’m currently 16 weeks pregnant - the furthest I’ve ever got after 2 mmc and 2 unsuccessful cycles. I really hope the prednisolone helps and your pregnancy continues xx

Puds1979 profile image
Puds1979 in reply to E_05

Thank you so much. Sadly I had a negative test this morning so it’s another chemical :(

I am so sorry for your losses- I can’t believe you’ve gone through this so many times. 1 is too many 😢

I take prednisolone & progesterone pessaries from a positive test till 12 weeks. I also took low dose aspirin throughout my cycle to suppress my nk cells ( they are raised) & endometriosis until I got my positive test.

I’m unsure why they insist 5 weeks & not earlier.

I would try to take them earlier than 5 weeks as your danger zone is 4/5 weeks- that was my danger zone too. xodo

randall55 profile image

Hi Puds. I took what’s called quad therapy it’s low dose steroids (20mg) clexane, progesterone and evorel patches. I had my dearlittle girl (now 18mth) I’m now pregnant with my second had my six week scan today and took the same treatment. I have crohns I had a failed fresh and a frozen loss I then moved my remaining four embryos to a private clinic as nhs patient as I lost faith in the hospital (they wouldn’t put two in until I had three failures) my little girl was two. Frozen and we lost a twin very early like 7 weeks it was vanishing twin syndrome so no indication. I’ve done everything the same this time with treatment and I started the steroids just before transfer. Google it though there is lots of info x

andylins profile image

I'm so terribly sorry you've gone through so much!! :( God love you poor thing. I don't have personal experience of using prednisolone. Though my younger sister, poor thing, was on a highish dose for arthritis. Her appetite increased, she had night terrors, she was hyper and crazy angry in the day. Everytime I spoke to our nurse about behaviour issues she said yep that'll be the steroids..I know this doesn't add to the topic. Just wanted to say I might guess what you're going through..May God help you..

HopeAt43 profile image

I’m not sure this helps but I am on prednisone this cycle because I feel it will help. 6 miscarriages and 3 lost embryos later I feel it is my immune system to blame. They don’t test NK cells where I am but I did intralipid infusion this month. Again, probable not much help but I am wondering the same thing. I am 5dpo and am cramping, so it could be good or bad.

Helpo profile image

Hii. Actually it's the first time me writing about my story but I think I have to say it for the first time to share knowledg and give hope.

So I married before 7 years and my husband had cancer and frozen sperms and I have autoimmune disease so we knew it will be so difficult to have babies but we've tried ivf for 5 times for 5 years and I had my 1st baby and he's 2 years old now healthy thanks God.

Anyway I've done my own research by reading about my condition and what options I have and which protocol I want to follow in a collaboration with my Dr. So I took intralipid even my NKC results came back normal and before turning the embryos and prednisolone does 25 and baby aspirin and heparin injections everyday. The cortisone becomes less gradually from 25 to 10 then they told me to stop it but I refused I took 10 at my 7th month because I had preeclampsia and had to deliver c_section at 32 weeks and my baby stayed in the NICU for 1 month.

Note:Plus I took iron and calcium pills. Also cortisone could effect ur baby weight and intralipid could harm the liver so I have fatty liver now but I have the baby the dreamed about my whole life.

So good luck dears

Sarra123 profile image
Sarra123 in reply to Helpo

hi ihope you will helpe me because i Tooke the same treatment but not working i want to ask about intralipid how ml inject because they prescribed 100ml and i heard it s low amownt😍

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