Hello! I am very newly diagnosed (Just yesterday!) and I have so many questions and concerns. I asked my doctor if the fatty liver issue they just discovered is why I have struggled for so long with a distended abdomen. Right after I eat (anything!) my abdomen bloats out. My doctor said the 2 are probably not related... my fatty liver is probably NOT causing abdominal bloat. I am just wondering what you think or if anyone thinks there could be a relation here.
distended abdomen and fatty liver - Living with Fatty...
distended abdomen and fatty liver

Its on of those, it depends, questions. As the liver gets more stressed from increasing fat it does begin to cause issues in many of the other organs. Most are subtle for the longest time which is why the docs ignore it, but there are also a lot of other things that can go wrong with the digestive tract, so for most people it is a combination of things that builds up over time. In most cases, however, improving diet and lifestyle benefits a lot of the issues so that's where we start. Here is a link to our website which has a lot of information which might help you. Be careful of Dr Google as he will happily kill you.
Have you ever had or been scanned to rule out ascities? Could be worth asking about. Good luck.
So it only does that after you eat? If so that is definitely not related. Ascites is there and it stays till it is physically removed afaik....
Go to a anti-inflamatory diet .And get some exercise, even just walking everyday. This will help you. Don't worry it will be alright.