Does anyone have any information on using Monk Fruit as a sweetener with cirrhosis/nash? I've read used in moderation is okay. I currently use stevia as a sweetener. Just asking--thanks!
Monk Fruit and cirrhosis/nash - Living with Fatty...
Monk Fruit and cirrhosis/nash
My gastroenterologist said sweet is sweet - the liver can’t tell the difference. I think that’s why fruit should be eaten in moderation. I use stevia occasionally but have gotten away from using sweetener in coffee and instead use a sprinkle of cinnamon which seems to modify the bitterness in coffee for me. I use stevia in oatmeal, etc.
Personally, I use Stevia Raw without erythritol to bake with, which isn't often. I drink Zevia which has no erythritol in place of a soda not all flavors are good in my opinion. I have used Monk Fruit but not my favorite. My gastroligist said that if you have to have sweetness to have sugar just limited. My Hepotoligist mostly says stay away from alcohol which I wasn't a drinker watch the diet. I stay away from the sugar alchohols for the most part unfortunately I have Sjogrens and the lozenges I use have xylitol and sucralose the gastroligist said the amount in them doesn't amount to much if used when needed. Hopes this helps.