Has anyone used alternative therapies to help with symptoms of NASH or NAfLD? Specifically I’m thinking acupuncture, Tai chi, Qigong? If so what were the results? I started a weekly practice of Qigong and at home do movements focused on my liver. The Qigong practitioner sent me some dated info that said it has shown to improve fatty liver. I definitely feel some benefits like increased energy and less fullness around the area of the liver however it will be awhile before I have a follow up with my GI doc and see if clinically there have been benefits.
Alternative therapies: Has anyone used... - Living with Fatty...
Alternative therapies

Mmany years ago I used Acupuncture, but it didn't work. The best think I have found is to just listen to your body. What will your liver tolerate, what won't it. It depends on the affected area. Each of us are different. I'm been going for 22 years of knowing I was in stage 4. I've lost 83 pounds, but it took 22 years to do it. I don't eat red meat other than a hamburger maybe every 60 days if I have no stress and keep stress out of your life. Learn to stay calm. Learn to love yourself, you can live a long time. I'm now 67 bit they gave me 6 years to live back 22 years ago. So just listen to what your liver is telling you and get lots of rest. I do best at 8 to 10 hours sleep a night. I was just on Ozempic to help lose weight, but my liver rejected it. So the dr. now has me off it. I only lost 24 pounds in 8 months, so I can do this on my own. Good luck.
Did you kpa worsen in that time? or what Thanks
The acid reflex got so bad I started having pains from my chest to the liver, they were sever stabbing pains. She though it was affect my bile ducts. I feel great since I've been off the Ozempic, but I think I'm gaining weight. I've been sick with Covid I think because I was so run down from the Ozempic. My liver was just run down and I was exhausted so then I got Covid. Back up and running again, still coughing but feel great other than the cough. Just can't do a whole lot yet. I do a little then sit down and rest. I wonder if some of the other meds like Ozempic will do the same thing. I ate because I was so exhausted I needed fuel. I think that is all in my mind. .