I was just diagnosed with Cirrhosis. I asked my doctor if Cirrhosis was measured in "stages" and if so, what stage was I in. He sort of acted annoyed and told me it was Child's Pugh A. Has anyone been told this before? When I googled it, is seemed to be out of a medical journal, not easy to understand at all. I have just been wondering how this was handled and if anyone else knows about Child's Pugh A. Thanks.
Staging: I was just diagnosed with... - Living with Fatty...
Your doctor may have seemed annoyed because there are various ways to stage cirrhosis, no clear consensus on which staging method is best, and because the implication of the question suggests a request for a prognosis, which with cirrhosis is difficult and doctors don't like to estimate life expectancy.
The Child-Pugh score is one way to grade cirrhosis (other ways look at the presence of corresponding symptoms like varicies, ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, and bleeding varicies). A Child-Pugh A score is good, and median survival can be well over 10 years. Of course, it's hard to extrapolate the score to any given individual.
Here's an online calculator if you're curious.
Thank you so much for this information, this does help me understand a little better! Still a lot of learning and googling to do. Thanks so much!
Also cirrhosis is not always a ticket to death or even harsh living,In 2018 I was diagnosed with a fatty liver and fibrosis &cirrhosis. After seeing liver drs ,their suggestion were a lo carb diet and exercise ,loose 100lbs and keep it off. I had all this because had been a diabetic for 35yrs. But also was told ,do not drink any liquor of any kind,which I haven't. Last yr I was told I reversed my fatty liver, improved my fibrosis & 1st yr they said individuals were improving there cirrhosis. Which I was overjoyed. I turn 70 yrs this year and still have 50 lbs to loose but tremendously better, I plan to live many more yrs ! Don't just. Stop living or taking care of yourself!!
Thank you for sharing your situation. You took the bull by the horns and I am too. This is encouraging. I love reading all the different experiences. I seem to gain a better understanding by getting a little here and a little there. Excuse me while I go "plug along" with a better mind set.
Hi Branson
Docs love to categorize things so stage 4 NASH is another name for cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is usually referred to as compensated or uncompensated or whether you have ascites or encephalopathy. Child Pugh is a rating within cirrhosis of the kinds of symptoms you have and it is A, B, or C so he says you are early stage cirrhosis.
I have been at this for 22 years. I was cut open for gastric bypass surgery and they aborted the surgery saying I had the worst liver they ever seen. I weight 283 at the time. I have been in stage 4 for all 22 years and now weigh 200 which is still high weight but have taken it off a little at a time. Learn to listen to your body. Rest and try to eat right most of the time. It's so hard to eat right 100% of the time, but live your life as you can die in the next 5 minutes in a car accident. You will find you liver rules your whole body. At times it will affect your heart or kidneys and everything. Keep stress away as much as possible. Keep a positive attitude and keep on going, but don't over do it, or you will pay. You treat your liver right, it will treat you right. Good Luck.
Oh my gosh Alterity, stage 4 for 22 years!!!??? How in the world do you survive in stage 4 that long? Are you itchy? My husband is itching like crazy and it's actually going to drive him mentally crazy. I am very encouraged by your words, but also perplexed because we have felt such doom and gloom from the docs. I love your positivity. Keep up the good work. It was described to me years ago, "The liver is the woman of the house. Keep her happy and everyone will be happy!"