Hi, I am new here. I was diagnosed with nafl and nash in 2020. My cap was 320 and Koa was 7.2. 8 months later those numbers came down to 175 and 6.1 with 49 pounds weight loss and much better diet. Jump to a year later I had gained some weight back about 15 pounds and was not eating good as i should. I just had a fibro scan cap was 225 kpa was 16.My question is how likely is it to jump that high un one year and could a large consumption of salt rhe night before have caused it to be way higher.? I ate a bunch of high salt food, probably 2_4 teaspoons of salt total.
High salt intake effect on kpa - Living with Fatty...
High salt intake effect on kpa

Hi Chako, that is a pretty big jump so your question is a good one. I'm sure you know that gaining the weight back wasn't good for you so there is that. A big salt overload does alter your water management systems and probably affected your results. If it were me, I'd spend a few weeks getting myself back to a good stable condition and have another test. Knowing what if correct is important.
I see the doctor in 3 days so I'm gonna ask him to do another yest. I know I did some stupid things but I'm hoping that it's not that far progressed
I don't know if these matter but my blood work 4 months before scan was platelets 201,alt 34 ast 27,total protien 7.9 , albumin 4.6, creatinine 1.24 , bilirubin 1.0. All in normal range but some at top end of normal for the lab. Would these nit likely be higher if it was a kpa of 16? I don't mean to be a pest but my old liver dr would not answer most of my questions. I have a new one I see Wednesday and hope for better help.

A lot of people with a kpa that high would have out of range blood tests but a significant number of folks have normal tests until later. In my case, my only out of range tests were for iron and platelets when I was diagnosed with a kpa of 21.5 so blood tests can be useful but aren't reliable.
Thank you,how low were your platelets? just an interesting note I had kidney stones and had a CT scan and about a year later I was reading it and wondered what the fatty liver meant I asked my doctor and he said everybody hasn't don't worry about it and I said no send me to a specialist I want to talk to them so he did. good thing I followed through the blood work never has been off.

I've been around 110,000 for quite a while
Another question I'd like to get your thoughts on... my atoravStaten was doubled from 20 to 40 mg last spring, beginning to think that this may have had an effect on my liver Since my lifestyle has been tremendously good aside from getting a few extra pounds back and a snacks I shouldn't eat. I have read stations can cuase liver damage. I took 10 mg for 30 years then about 4 years ago went to 20 now 40.
generally regarded as safe in moderate doses. You doc has to weigh the relative risk between any potential liver stress and heart disease. Here is the research
Hi, hope all is well! I saw liver Dr today my kpa was actually 11.4 not 16, but he still thinks it may be off based on all other factors, he was not sure if salt would cause it to be off but felt it could enough to repeat test. He said if number comes back the same or better and blood work Is good he would not have to see me for a year if I followed a healthy life style. Any thoughts?

talk to him about his thoughts about monitoring for liver cancer. With those results you are in the grey zone. Advanced fibrosis increases the risk of cancer dramatically so you probably have a somewhat increased risk but aren't in the red zone but it is something to be aware of. It is monitored with ultrasound. I have one every 6 months.
Ok I will that freaks me out. Hoping the salty diet the night before caused and elivated kpa like you said it could do. I was at 6.2 October2021 . In jan. 2020 7.2 is when they first tested. I drastically changed life style to get to the 6.2 , but went back to some bad eating this year, but still much better than it used to be. To go to 11.4 seems strange.
So we re fibo scanned today, I am pretty sure that the test that came in at 11.4 was off due to the high salt intake we ltalked about that I consumed the night beforein late October. I have taken some weight off and watched my diet . Today kpa was 4.4 with a cap of 130 best numbers ever. I am sure that last test was way off from the salt, as tou said it probably was my scan before thhe 11.4 one was 6.1, so.that scan did not add up.

diet and taking some weight off make all the difference. Good luck
Question my IQR/med measurement = 32%They sent me a letter that test was no good. Everything I read said if the kpa shows significant fibros it should be invalidated, but my kpa was 4.4. I am lost.
Side not, all blood work was within normL ranges.