feel like giving up. : ALL SUMMER long... - Living with Fatty...

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feel like giving up.

mtk0925 profile image
10 Replies

ALL SUMMER long I’ve made the worse eating choices I’m not sure what my deal is. I don’t really care about it anymore I’ve spent most my adult life being so over the top anxious about liver enzymes, tests, apts, repeat tests, new drs etc. I just am over it and I’m fed up I can’t enjoy a meal with out worry so I gave in. I said eff it. I gained 5 lbs this summer I was 140 and now I’m 145. Cholesterol is elevated 251. Triglycerides are normal but I just can’t get out of the slump. I do walk/run almost daily. I think that’s what is helping me stay fit. I have 3very needy little kids and I get overwhelmed plus I’m a hospice worker so I know what the end looks like if I don’t get this around. I guess I’m just venting. It’s not alcohol it’s sweets, fast food, and plain junk. My dr said a few drinks a month won’t hurt me but I choose to abstain. Sometimes on a whim I’ll have a beer with a friend or a glass of wine but mostly I say no cause obviously I can’t. It’s hard to be so restricted diet wise.

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mtk0925 profile image
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10 Replies
nash2 profile image

It does feel overwhelming at times. No simple answers. For what it may be worth, our view is to use a substantial amount of olive oil and limit carbs. I use extra virgin olive oil like cough medicine and just take it by the tablespoon. Here is a link to how I manage it.


My sin was bread. Loved good bread but the carbs got me. I have been successful at changing my lifestyle and after losing 30% of my weight I've been stable for about 6 years now. Not for everyone but worked for me.


bookish profile image
bookish in reply to nash2

It was bread for me too. Now I know I'm gluten intolerant and I can't even cope with the smell of the stuff......

Scared2022A profile image

I know the feeling of being overwhelmed. With life, with the health care system, with trying to figure out even what to eat. I know what you mean about bad food- it is a drug. I put on a lot of weight during Covid and having a young son. Now my only goal is to be there for my son. I can’t do much other than say I understand, and my thoughts are with you.

mtk0925 profile image
mtk0925 in reply to Scared2022A

thank you. It’s been so hard when on vacation and at get togethers everyone is letting loose and drinking eating it’s tough! Like depressingly tough

Golendoodle profile image
Golendoodle in reply to mtk0925

I have to say I understand you completely. I love sweets more than anything. I know if I eat the way I was raised it’s detrimental to not only my liver but health in general. I have to make the choice everyday not to eat the chips and ice cream . So your not along in feeling overwhelmed and depressed. I have my husband help with cooking (LIMITED) but maybe the children could help prepare meals with you and it teaches them to eat healthy too! Wishing you all the best.

mtk0925 profile image
mtk0925 in reply to Golendoodle

thanks for your reply. I’m feeling really low there’s been loses in my family and some tragedy so it’s been easier to turn to food than deal with the issues at hand. My dr prescribed me a less hard on the liver antidepressant I’m hoping that helps me get better he said it actually doesn’t cause weight gain and I may lose a few lbs. when I gave up alcohol I turned to food. I’m not totally abstained like I said in my original post I’ll have 1-2 with friends but that’s rare sometimes I don’t even have a do when out with friends it’s not worth the worry the next day. Which also depresses me every one just living it up I’m in the corner not able to. But anyways like I said I’m working on me with these new meds I started today

ThyroidDeb profile image
ThyroidDeb in reply to mtk0925

I too, inderstand your feelings. My doctor put me on Paxel which helped a lot after going through the side affects! Taking the virgin olive oil is a good idea like Wayne does. I follow a combination diet between the diabetic and the liver foundations recommended menu. I loved breads too and coke, both are cut out. There is a cola drink made with stevia no coloring called Zevia, all flavors but rather expensive, you can buy through Amazon which I drink occasionally. I eat whole grain breads or rye but miss that sourdough toast with butter! I used to drink in my youth but it's been years, the last cocktail I had was New Years until this August where I had a bourbon in celebtating my brothers birthday, just one. It is hard to watch others celebrate but I rarely go out so when I do I eat but try to eat what is best and small amounts, extra vegies instead of potato. Believe me, I want that potato! Lol if i think about doing this the rest of my life it makes me sigh but, I know I have too..so, one dày at a time. Good luck.

mtk0925 profile image
mtk0925 in reply to ThyroidDeb

yes it’s definitely the thinking about “I have to do this all my life” I get stressed and want to eat. I think I’m going to take it slow, allow a chest day once a week. And go from there. What’s the point of living if I can’t live… I know that sounds so dramatic but good food is life to me rich fatty all of it.

J10B4 profile image

Hang in there! I agree about all the testing, lab work involved, different doctors to see, ultrasounds, etc. But once you know what you have, you just keep going and put one foot in front of the other. I figure I've had a lifetime of eating too many sweets and sugary foods (I'm in my 70's now) and had the NAFL diagnosis many years ago. I have never liked beer or alcohol but did have a big sweet tooth. Now I eat more sensibly and in moderation...oatmeal, salads, fruit, sprouted -grain bread, fresh veggies, yogurt....no soda pop or fruit juices....lots of water. When I'm craving a sweet, baked item such as apple cake or blueberry cobbler....I make it with 1/2 the sugar called for and leave out the salt. And share the dessert with others so I don't consume it all! Moderation is key and being aware of what you are eating and purchasing at the store....read labels for sugar and sodium content. Allow yourself a treat from time to time....just not everyday, and remind yourself often that everything you eat must be filtered and "processed" by your liver. I am a cancer survivor and now deal with liver disease , which will affect my longevity...but I want more time here on earth, God willing, and so I keep doing what I am doing and putting one foot in front of the other. Each day is a gift. We can no longer live to eat....but rather eat to live.

mtk0925 profile image
mtk0925 in reply to J10B4

that’s for your reply. I have never been diagnosed but I’m sure I have it. High cholesterol and higher than normal liver enzymes I figure even if the ultrasound and scans don’t show it I have it. So I’m making better decisions. I’ve failed lots of times but tomorrow a new day.

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