UPDATE: 4 months later- included as reply!
Hey all! Bit of a story here- hope you give it a read.
I am a 38 year old male, slightly above average height and weight, who at the age of 22 got sick while travelling and never got back to 100%. Had to deal with bouts of fatigue, digestive issues, erectile dysfunction, and such since. At one point- maybe 6 years ago- doctor told me I had high cholesterol and "a little bit of fatty liver" after blood tests and an ultrasound. I cut back on drinking and ate healthier and focused on doing a bit more exercise in response. They tested my cholesterol a year later and it had gone down a decent bit.
Eventually - a couple years ago I had a scary episode while on a work trip. That trip I had been drinking one beer an evening which was more than normal for me and taking some advil in the days which I sometimes did if I was feeling lousy. Well there I was driving along a bumpy road and I became very dizzy and very nauseous and I told my workmate he needed to take the wheel. I got out of the car to walk round to the passengers side and I found I couldn't walk easily at all. It felt like my right leg wasn't working properly on top of the dizziness and nausea. At this point I told my workmate what was happening and realized I was slurring my speech. Now I was fully alarmed. Was I having a stroke? What was going on? I immediately tried to smile and raise my arms, things I had remembered to do to see if a stroke was happening, and I was completely able to do both. Then I vomited twice, then 10 minutes later a third time (I think the third time it may have been pink in colour but can't say for sure). Got back to the hotel and relieved my bowels, took a gravol and got some rest. Woke up the next day feeling mostly better and sort of limped through the rest of the work trip. Did see the nurse there (it was a small town in the middle of nowhere) and she thought maybe food poisoning but I wasn't so sure.
When I returned to my city I mentioned it to my doctor who suggested an ultrasound and some blood tests to see what was going on. Blood tests were all normal and after waiting like almost half a year I finally had my ultrasound in early 2020 (before the pandemic). Now, something completely daft of me, I until very recently never knew that you had to fast from drinking water for ultrasounds- I just fasted from everything else. So the techician always mentions I am gassy and it's difficult to see things. However they did spot a small "probable hemangioma" of 3mm on my liver. Only weird thing was that typically a hemangioma is there from birth and my previous ultrasound from a few years back hadn't shown anything on my liver. My doctor said come back and get another scan in 6 months and we will get more info on this little guy.
So the pandemic began and those 6 months were insane but sure enough back I came for my followup (again drinking water right before the ultrasound like a fool) and this time the technician seemed alarmed- she got me to pee and do other things. The next morning I got a call and they were worried about something they had found on my kidney. Thought it may be cancerous. Meanwhile the hemangioma on my liver had apparently "vanished".
So I am rushed in one week later to get a CT scan of my kidney, I asked them to be sure to dt my liver in the scan too because that seemed more likely to be an issue for me with my history. Si they did. Well it turned out the kidney lesion wasn't there- it was a "shadow on the ultrasound"- but sure enough there were two small lesions next to each other on my liver. About 3 and 5mm. Cause for celebration they said. No kidney lesion and liver lesions were almost certainly benign as I am a healthy guy. My doctor said we are all good here. She said "we can do one more followup in a year if you'd like" and I agreed.
Some time later. After taking about a year off drinking (and painkillers) since the weird episode on the work trip, I decided to experiment with one drink out with my girlfriend. It definitely hit me harder, and I had a weird hangover like feeling the next day (and the day atter that). But my reduced tolerance to alcohol had been something I had mentioned to my doctor and she said as long as I was limiting my drinking it was okay. So a month later I had a celebratory drink with friends. Then a month after that, a week agter my second covid vaccine shot, I had a full pint with some old friends.
Well damn that hit me hard. I def felt on the night as if I had drunk three or four drinks. And I just felt bad. Then the next three days were miserable. I was alarmed. Swore off drinking for good, phoned my doc and demanded an ultrasound ASAP. Could this be liver cancer? I was getting worried again.
A month ago I got in for that ultrasound (again- still drinking water before like a fool lol) and the result was that the "probable hemangioma" (the ultrasound had always just seen 1 but ct scan showed 2) had grown to 7mm.
On the result they noted that if there were clinical symptoms that perhaps a followup CT scan was a good idea. My doc said no- she believes that we don't need to risk a CT scan. I asked for some blood tests and she agreed. Blood tests were normal.
Okay. I went back to my life. But this time I couldn't stay settled. I feel like this could be something worse. So a week ago I asked her to refer me for an elastography or a Fibroscan to see if in fact my liver is in worse shape than assumed. She said she needed a day to consult an expert and she told me the next day that she was rejecting the referral request but would refer me to a liver specialist. That was good, but I politely asked her if we could do one thay won't take 3-6 months to see and ahe said that she would try.
In the meantime I have been focusing in on liver health. I spent days going over possible signs of severe liver disease and even did a tapping test in myself for ascites haha (doesn't appear that I have it). Only thing that rang true for me is I do have some faintish telegiecnasias on the bridge of my nose and my cheek. Also maaaaybe some palmar erythma. However I should note that I am pale with a reddish complexion so that means I am more likely for such things anyway.
Alright. Wow. You still with me? If so thank you! I would love some opinions on all this. Cheers!