Hello! After about nine months of dieting and healthy livestyle my liver enzymes went back to normal. But I didn’t have time to enjoy this great news. A few days after my bloodwork I was diagnosed with Lyme disease and I need to take antibiotics for 10 days which is really bad for liver. Well, it’s the less of two evils. I’m starting today with the first pill. I’ll be taking one pill every 12 hours till October 15. So I decided to have my liver checked again jn mid November to see what damage the antibiotics have done. I’ll keep you posted
I got a tick in my lower leg but I didn’t realised that until after two days. I removed it but after 4 days a round rush started to form. I waited for about a week for it to go away but it didn’t. On the contrary, the rush is slowly growing bigger every day. Now it’s about 2,4 inches in diameter. So finally I decided I really need to take the antibiotics.