I have been getting a stabbing pain on the right side under the rib area. I am assuming it's my liver. Does anyone else have that? Does anyone know if that means the disease is progressing? I am F3 stage fibrosis.
Upper right side pain: I have been... - Living with Fatty...
Upper right side pain

right upper quadrant pain is a common symptom with fibrosis. It varies a lot between people as everyone is different but fibrosis deforms the organ and can cause pain. It isn't the only reason a person can feel pain in that area though so it can't be taken as proof of liver disease by itself.
I too have stabbing pain once in a while. I don't have it as much as I did. When I was in Stage 4 I had it a lot and swelling of the liver. Just once in a while now and I know time to slow down a little. Make sure to tell your Dr about it, but it is just one of the many things you go through.
I actually went to the ER on April 19th to figure out this pain. I am an RN and I knew if it went to the urgent care, they couldn't see this on an xray and would send me to the ER anyway. My labs were perfect and they did the CT and showed fatty liver disease. The pain is not always evident in may who have this silent disease but guess I'm the lucky one. I had the gastric sleeve back in Oct. 2020 and so that might had contributed to it the MD in the ER said but anyway, I used tylenol for the sharp pains which helped. I didn't want any narcotics as the pain was tolerable and I just don't like the way they make me feel. When I inhale it hurts the most. I cured it by going back to eating "twigs and berries"..not really but I did clean up my diet. Now, JUST this morning, that pain is back and it's my fault for indulging a little bit too much over the weekend so I'm back to twigs and berries...It sucks but mine will definitely clear up over the next 4 to 5 days w/the right nutrition (something we ALL know..) Hope yours will get better soon!