I have read that losing 10% of body weight greatly improves NASH. My question is, how long does it take to see these results? Since being diagnosed with NASH 3 years ago, I have lost 16% of my body weight through diet and exercise. Back on Bydureon and on a low dose of Crestor, my cholesterol has improved dramatically and my A1C is 7.0 which is right where my POC wants it. Triglycerides are slightly elevated, and liver enzymes are better than 6 months ago, but still slightly elevated. I haven't had a CT scan in 2 years, and a liver biopsy was a year and a half ago. I have ultrasounds every 6 months that show no change in the size of my liver. So while there is some improvement, it is not stellar, and my hepatologist wants me to continue with my diet and exercise program which is all to the good. So I was wondering, these studies that show vast improvement with a 10% weight loss, how long does this weight loss need to be maintained before it improves one's NASH? The lifestyle changes have actually been easy. I have no problem with hopping on my exercise bike daily, or living on broccoli and tofu for the most part. I would just like to have some notion of how long before I see more encouraging results.
Re weight loss: I have read that losing... - Living with Fatty...
Re weight loss

Well Lassie, you know that depends on the individual so we can only address it generally. My With a 10% loss we would predict up to a one stage reduction in stiffness, but it really depends on where you started. I had a reduction in liver stiffness by FibroScan from 21.5 to 14.3 in 18 months. Ultrasound is a very poor tool for measuring progress. With that your most sensitive indicator is probably spleen size if you started with any hypertension. If you want to use blood tests I'd suggest LIVERFASt as a tool that can provide monitoring of progress.fattyliverfoundation.org/li...
Thanks for replying. All my hepatology visits are for the Intercept clinical trial and I have a large insurance deductible, so any tests outside what is authorized by Intercept are beyond me at this point. However, I shall keep doing what I have been doing because there has been a good deal of improvement.
Is LIVERFAST similar to FibroSure? I had read that the latter was comparable to a biopsy.my FibroSure results were startlingly good. When the FibroScan, biopsy, and CT with contrast scans came back showing advanced NASH and stage 3 fibrosis, I felt crushed.
This comparison might help. The tests are somewhat similar but use some different blood markers in the analysis. We think LIVERFASt is the better test which is why I use it myself as a monitoring test.
Hello were these tats AFTER the weight loss? And how are you ALT and AST now?