Hello all. I hope everyone is doing well.
Just a quick question, I've just received a message from my GP surgery as they do everything online now. My GP has said that since my diagnosis of NASH having lost over 60lbs and changing my lifestyle to a completely new diet (thanks Wayne) and getting regular exercise my AST from mynlatest blood test has come back normal and I am showing a Fib-4 score of 0.64. I'm trying to find something on google to break it down for me if this is good or if I'm still in dark waters. I doubt I will ever return to my ways of smoking, sugar, processed meats and saturated fats but if there is anyone who can let me know if this is a way in the right direction for me I would be much appreciated. I just cant seem to understand the medical lingo on google when I search for how to understand a fib-4 score of 0.64.
Thanks in advance.