I recently had a scare with my PCP finding Smooth muscle antibodies in my blood results . This test was done after being diagnosed with enlarged fatty liver .He referred me to a Hepatologist and this new doctor has reassured me through new bloodwork that he sees no evidence of an autoimmune disease . In fact the results for platelets , Ferratin and all other results have come back in relatively normal range .However Constant back pain and abdominal discomfort due to my enlarged fatty liver has been a real issue over the past few months . This corona situation is stopping me from physically seeing my Hepatologist. I’ve only seen him via computer screen . Needless to say I am worried and my anxiety probably isn’t helping the pain . I tried stretching today, which I do pretty regularly as I have a desk job and I felt a sharp pain in my left side under my ribs . I’m feeling helpless and confused . No one in my family truly understands how much discomfort I am in and it seems like I’ll never get the proper help I need for whatever is going on with me . I work out regularly and eat well since my diagnosis . I’ve lost 40 lbs but this pain and discomfort is always there . I honestly just need some reassuring words . Advice would be greatly appreciated. I did party drugs in my twenties and at 30 I am just hoping this is not cirrhosis.
Confused and in pain , please hear me... - Living with Fatty...
Confused and in pain , please hear me out

Hello 99problem
I’m sorry to hear that you’re suffering physically as well as psychologically; the combination of pain and anxiety can be crippling, can’t it? It sounds reassuring from what your consultant says. However, in the presence of constant pain, it’s so hard to take comfort, isn’t it?! I appreciate no two people are the same; however, I was wondering if it might be a similar situation to mine? I was diagnosed with a fatty liver, which I resolved through diet, exercise and zero alcohol. However, the pain continued night and day. CT scans came back clear, bloods returned to normal, still loads of side pain. In short, I saw a chiropractor who said that the muscles around my ribs and spine had shortened and gone into spasm. Combination of stress and poor posture when sitting at my desk. It sounded too simple to be true. Yet, 4 weeks later it’s more or less gone, with the symptoms easing more or less immediately after my first physio therapy session. The anxiety I’d suffered about my liver health was so chronic that I had to keep reminding myself the pain wasn’t internal, ie my organs, but rather muscular skeletal. It still staggers me that neither the consultants I saw nor the GPs who referred me, including a private liver specialist in London, raised the possibility.
I do hope you are able to find a solution. The Covid-19 situation is a cause for concern for people with any underlying health issue... it sounds as if you’re doing everything you can to manage as best as can be expected. If you are able to have a Fibroscan, that might help allay your fears too.
Take care, wash your hands and don’t touch your face! 😎☀️🙂
Thank you Lilly. I can tell you how good it feels to have someone to talk to who understands the situation firsthand. I’ll keep losing the weight through exercise and diet. I’m down to 191 from 240 so that’s reason for celebration if any . Again your words are much appreciated 💛
You’re welcome 99problem. This whole liver thing is the most frightening thing I have ever been through. It totally absorbed my every waking moment at the time. This has now shifted to a more bearable and realistic awareness of what I eat and drink.
You’ve done brilliantly well to lose weight. It will only ever be of benefit, won’t it? Those simple daily decisions ‘shall I buy/eat/accept this or this to put in my mouth?’ gives us a measure of power in a very disempowering situation. Of course, everything in balance so it’s good to try to think of other things too to distract us while our bodies get busy healing themselves as best they can. And the liver does have remarkable powers of recovery, if treated with the utmost respect. I wish you every success on your journey and send my best wishes.
Hi, I have NASH , Fibrosis stage4, cirrhoisis and Hecp, I have waited 3 months just to get my medications. They said nothing thay can do forme, but my left side like yours has been hurting so bad. Come to find out I have diverticulitis as well as all the othere stuff. Have you been checked for that? Maybe yor having a flair up of diverticulitis.