Anyone have any good tips for dealing with the pain and discomfort associated with ascites and the terrible itching that comes with ESLD? Also, anything effective for depression? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Need help with symptom alleviation - Living with Fatty...
Need help with symptom alleviation
I hope you’re reducing fluids, using diuretics, eating low sodium etc. in addition, try to keep moving, even if it’s chair stretches. Elevate your feet when possible. I used straight up olive, coconut or avocado oil. All my pjs were greasy and I rotated 2 pair. Also gloves and socks at bedtime with lots of oil or rich moisture! XO
Oh. Depression. Talk to your doctor. I wasn’t able to take anything and used meditation and prayer. I teach yoga and have lots of stuff that I use to reduce anxiety. Peace peace to you!
Ice will help the itching. Ice will calm the nerves. Put feet up as much as possible, get a massage to work on the muscles to keep everything moving will help with the swelling.
I’m not sure what was more distressing about non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Discovering that it led steadily from fatty liver to fibrosis to cirrhosis and then to liver failure, a possible transplant or potential liver cancer?
Or was it the unexpected – and shocking – realization that, in fact, there’s no medical cure for fatty liver disease?I worried constantly about how bad my fatty liver might become. How it might slowly progress into something far more serious.
Because whatever caused my fatty liver was only going to make it worse if I didn’t do something about it.
Given the lack of help from the medical profession, the question is, do what about it?
And the answer?
I know this will help anyone who is suffering with the effects this disease takes on your body i have to share bc it saved my life with relief finally
It’s here. Take a look in the short video below :