Got a call back from my doctor today with the ultrasound results. No cirrhosis, No Nash, looks like no Fatty Liver. 120 lbs weight loss in 4 in a half months looks like it has paid off. I can't believe it- although I had a feeling I was going to get good news because of a few promising signs. This is the most recent picture of me.
I did it!!!: Got a call back from my... - Living with Fatty...
I did it!!!

Congratulations mate!! Just read your story and that is some really good going!
My only point I would add (for what is worth), the eating regime you follow needs to be realistic and safe. Do not go for rapid weight loss.... but I am sure you know all about this.
Keep protein up. I'll share my approach, would be great to know what you followed:
Daily example:
6am: Gym (upper body weights 30 mins + 4/5k run on treadmill 25 min)
7am: Pint of water with half a squeezed lemon / tablespoon and a half of Apple cider vinegar + 1 black coffee
Intermittent Fast until 12 pm (would not eat anything from 8pm the night before)
12pm: For lunch I would do chicken breast with a greek salad and 50g of brown rice OR sweet potato
12:30: Espresso
2pm: An apple and some more chicken (100 g)
4pm: Some blueberries and walnuts + 1 black coffee
6pm: Half an avocado spread on two pieces of rye bread with two slices of salmon and a beetroot and a poached egg
7pm: Low fat greek yoghurt, squeeze of hunny and some more walnuts and blueberries
8pm: Fast until 12pm next day..... Repeat
For gym I do that routine 4 times a week. The morning run expends circa 400/500 calories
I began in January with elevated ALT and a fibroscan score gave me at 7.6 which hepatologist did not seem to bothered about. Ultrasound showed consistency with fatty liver. That was in January when I was weighing 112kg.
Today I am 101kg, re-did mt ALT a couple of months back and this has gone back into normal range which was very pleased with.
Going to re-do bloods again when I get back from holiday (Greece - so can truely follow a Mediterranean diet ) and I am hoping my consultant does an ultrasound again with a fibroscan at the end of the year..... will for sure be requesting that.

That is great news. A lot of people say it can't be done so you are a really inspirational story for people who are in the battle. The next key, never forget that it is a lifestyle change and not just something to do for a time. So many people lose weight then put it back on and that gets to be quite dangerous over time. I encourage you to stay involved with the patient groups and share your story. One of the best drugs is hope.
Wow!! What an inspiration to us all. Congratulations! You should be so proud of yourself. Take care Lynne👍
Wow, CONGRATULATIONS! How did you lose the weight? These kinds of stories are Inspirations for us who just had ultrasounds confirming their nash. Keep up the good work!
It's called Optifast. It's generally administered through a doctor. It starts out as a liquid diet than gradually you get food. I still have plenty of weight to lose, but I am definitely doing well. Just got my copy of the ultra sound report. No mention of any fat on the liver. Liver is normal size.
Great johnny,happy for you,what was the highest your fibroscan ever showed.all the best
Great job!!! You should be so proud and happy!! I have high alkaline phosphates, but can’t get it down!! However, I don’t eat what you eat!!! I’m careful, but not as careful as you are!! I must do better!!
I had a liver biopsy 2 months ago. Said I had some scarring and fibrosis but could not explain high liver enzymes. No answers from blood tests. I take meds for high blood pressure... no answers . They just literally said we would scan in a year. I am worried . Thanks for your help!
But if you have fibrosis and scarring, wouldn't that cause the liver enzymes to be elevated? I've seen doctors say that all liver disease will result in higher enzymes. How high are they elevated? Did they put you on F 1-F4 fibrosis scale?
I would need to look back and see levels, but no, I was not given a fibrosis scale.
Same here! 140 pounds in 10 months- 1 year no more Nash and all bloods back to normal