Hello! I have just been diagnosed with non alcoholic cirrhosis. Is there any way to judge how fast this progresses?
Hello! Any Help?: Hello! I have just... - Living with Fatty...
Hello! Any Help?

Me too deb very scary in need so much info God bless you..🙏alley
Hi Deb 1258,
Your question is a good one and I’m glad you asked it. It will in large part depend on you, your diet, and how well you take care of yourself. Now is a very important time for you to consider a diet that is appropriate for NASH cirrhosis.
Please do not do as I did. Take this very seriously as your life may depend on it. I am not trying to scare you but rather help you to better understand the ramifications of not following a strict diet and fitness program.
You found the right website for support and good people who want to help you. I have some good info but others like Nash2 have better and I’m sure If you need his assistance and or advise he will be glad to help.
Next we can tell diet, if you wish.
Be well,
Harrison McBeal
Thanks Harrison! I would love to know what to eat. Born in the south, we fried EVERYTHING! If anyone has any good recipes or can tell me where to look I would greatly appreciate it. I know they tell you to eat fish, but I don't eat that. Is chicken the only meat I can have? Ugh lol.
Hi Deb1258,
Chicken is not the only thing you can have. You can have “small portions” of lean beef, Turkey, Tofu, or meatless soy products.
Taco soup With Turkey
Turkey Burgers
Turkey Breast
Turkey Steaks
Turkey Chili
Pot Roast w veggies
Bison meat (4 oz.)
Chili w 93% ground beef
Steaks on the grill (4 oz.)
Southwest salad w steak (no corn)
Tofu fried on olive oil
Meatless products like a product called Beyond Meat. It’s really good.
Go to The Fatty Liver Foundation got meal tips or the Mayo Clinic.
I was diagnosed in 2016 and I’m so much better. The liver is one organ that can regenerate. My Cirrhosis is due to Hepatitis C. Eat smart and get rest but walk when you feel like it. I have to use 2 grams of salt per day and 6 grams of protein. Hope you feel better soon.
Thanks not! Do you try to get your protein more from fruits, vegetables, and nuts or from meat?
I eat eggs, turkey bacon, fish, almonds etc. if you google protein foods you will find what to eat. I also have a salad almost every night using spinach instead of lettuce. I’ve gotten so use to eating this that I miss it if I don’t eat it every night. I will eat a portion of a steak about once a month to get my steak fix. Don’t deprive your taste buds, but take you Disease very serious. Good Luck!