pain for a long time, asked my PCP about it but she told me "fatty liver doesn't hurt." Do not want "drugs" to correct --- need support & guidance to correct through diet.
just beginning --- lots of denial - Living with Fatty...
just beginning --- lots of denial

Greetings deeva47,
Welcome aboard. Your post does not state if you have an actual diagnosis of NAFLD or NASH or just wanting to change your diet to improve your health and relieve your pain. Any and all reasons for wanting to improve your diet are all good ones and can only benefit you in the long run.
To find out more about diet and postings here click or tap on the magnifying glass and type in diet. Feel free to read over any or all posts or even comment or ask questions. People here are great and eager to help.
Regarding the other comment in your post about you PCP’s comment that “fatty liver doesn’t hurt” it is partially correct. The liver itself has no pain receptors but, if it is enlarged it can press on other organs or still manifest pain. For many ‘liver’ pain is manifested as pain around or under your right ribs, pain in the back or even pain in the right shoulder.
Please note that my comments are NOT medical advice and you really should consult a physician, especially if you are still currently having pain or distress. It may be time for a second opinion. It’s your body don’t settle for not knowing.
You may also find the American Liver Foundations’ liver forums at helpful.
All my best wishes,
Well I have NASH and there are times it hurts, times I feel like I'm getting a kidney infection but it's to high. So it's my liver. You can also push on my stomach and it hurts. Not everyone has pain but some of us do.
Once I went to wfpb diet it helped so much with my discomfort level.
How are you feeling now?
My consultant said it's the capsule around the liver hurts cos it got loads of nerves in it. Also, with me my liver is very enlarged which also stretches the capsule and any other organs . Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Hi Lynn. Yes I feel better, no processed food. That's hard. But I can't believe the difference in how I feel. I used to try and predict how my blood tests were going to be. Not anymore I was always wrong. So I just don't let it get to me. You have to do the best you can. Diet is a really big thing. There are days I'm good and days I'm not. I do workout. Lol but I have to watch that. I've broke my heel and my right tibia from walking on the treadmill. My left tibia is next probably by the end of summer. I have osteopenia. But you have to own this diagnoses. No one can fix you, but you can help yourself. If you are on FB would love to be friends and support person for each other. Mary Russell Jarrell. Bye hugs.
Sorry, I'm not on Facebook. I could pm message you on here if you like? Where do you live I live in Rochdale near Manchester. Love and hugs Lynne y

I'm 53 miles north of the tip of Illinois. Please do private message me. Would love it. Hugs new friend. Hope to hear from you soon.