Almost feel guilty saying this but it really has been a good week. no aches and pains. Have slept well and preparing to move to Ohio (get closer to Cleveland clinic have appointment on Aug 3. Hopefully after initial appointment hoping to get some kind of idea where I am at. I have had a EGD and cat scan as well as a ultrasound so feel the time has possibly came for a biopsy my question is #1 do I need or should I get one. #2 is this a logical next step. or is there a other option. I can imagine it may be very painful. Have been using berberine (DO NOT DO SO WITHOUT A DOCTOR OPINION!) but it has helped me with blood sugar quite a bit. I am really interested is there a option other than a liver biopsy as I am not a huge fan of pain. I am glad I have faith in my life. As Russel Crowe says in the movie Gladiator "When death smiles at you all you can do is smile back" I know a little morbid but it is a great line.
To biopsy or not biopsy that is the q... - Living with Fatty...
To biopsy or not biopsy that is the question.
Biopsy was not painful. It helps to determine whether or not it is cancerous...something I needed to know as cancer runs in my family. And it made me very serious about getting my food straight and being diligent. Just because you had a good week never means you can let down your guard. If you have it - you have more information and a better baseline to compare in the future. It wasn't bad at all and healed easily. Just follow all pre-procedure guidelines.
I had a liver biopsy about seven months ago, and it was not painful at all. I did have to lie on my back for two hours afterward, but I was so drowsy that it wasn't a problem--I simply slept on and off. I came home and slept a few hours more, and then it was back to my usual activities. I can only speak to my own experience, but in my case, there really was nothing to it.
I only found this site a few days ago so I didn’t see your post until now. In case you still have not had a biopsy, I wanted to let you know that I was afraid about a biopsy because I heard they are so painful, but my hepatologist said that I needed the biopsy to determine whether I was stage 2 or stage 3 NASH. My experience was that it wasn’t bad at all. I had a slight - very mild - ache along the right ribs for a couple days. It wasn’t enough to bother me. And the biopsy confirmed stage 3 which was important to know.