The biggest frustration with my diagnosis is that the signs were missed. Scratches in throat (this was supposedly due to Gerd) Never told fatty liver leads to cirrhosis HE due to high blood ammonia levels not He. The lesson is here folks I never expected liver disease and got it. If you are being treated at a VA facility watch out you might find out their errors are your demise. I never knew what it all was adding up to and never imagined what it was now am trying to get moved and make some memories with my wife before it is too late.
Check your symptoms: The biggest... - Living with Fatty...
Check your symptoms
Hi Utep, I wish your story was unusual. Sadly it happens all the time and it isn't just an issue with VA. I'm not a vet but I lost 5 years when I could have helped myself before I got properly diagnosed. It is astonishing how common the problem is. A recent study at a VA of diabetes patients showed the about 70% had undiagnosed liver disease, as just one example.
You didn't tell us anything about your actual situation. I don't know if this will help you but we see people doing better with diet management. In case it may be of some value to you here is a link to the diet we recommend.
Do you have cirhossis or NASH? I have read the 3 posts you have made here and I see where you said you have NASH but didn't see anything about cirhossis...
I have read lots of other folks stories on various forums who have NAFLD or NASH and once they treated whatever was causing it in the first place, changed to their eating habits and added exercise to their routine, they started to get better...
From what I have read, there is hope if one has not gotten to cirhossis yet and even if someone has cirhossis. It doesn't mean they are going to die very soon. There are lots of people who live along time with cirhossis. Maybe not curable but it's possible to hault progression if the necessary steps are taken.
I understand the fear of having a medical issue hanging over your head but remember this: the liver is an amazing organ..
I know it's hard to stay postive in situations like thus but try because it's good for our health esp when we are dealing with a medical conditio... Stress and worry have negative impacts on our health..... So, try to keep postive while you work to figure things out ♡