I am seeing more young people looking for information on liver disease these days. Would you be willing to share how old you were when you were diagnosed? I should have been diagnosed at 68 but it was 5 years later before I actually knew what the problem was. That delay cost me dearly
How old were you when you were diagno... - Living with Fatty...
How old were you when you were diagnosed?

I was 65 having surgery on my intestines and surgeon didn't like the looks of my liver done a biopsy and I had Chrosis .
My story was a little like that. I had a gallbladder removed and the surgeon said my liver was cirrhotic. Sadly for me, the gastro doc later decided I didn't have any liver disease and sent me on my way, but he was wrong and 5 years later I had cirrhosis for sure. I wonder how many misdiagnosis cases there are every year.
I was 49. But the pain started at 48. My Son is 19 and his Liver Blood work is very high.
Hi Hny
If you are interested in research into genetic family disease associations you might like to check this out.
I took 5 members of my family as we are pretty sure we have a family risk for cirrhosis and we got really good testing. It is free but you have to get to San Diego.
When diagnosed the doctor feels I've had it at least 10 years to be so bad in a non drinker.
Found out at 51...had ultrasound due to pain from sciatic nerve...found spinal stenosis, fatty liver, and gallstones...
Hi Cindy
I guess you have had fun. This sadly is something we see a lot. Liver disease is so often associated with other problems. Do you mind me asking if you have been able to manage it?
how do you detect sciatic nerve pain from Ultrasound
I was in so much pain that doctor did an ultrasound and an MRI to see if anything else was causing the pain I am having---the pain is down both legs and in my back---I am overweight so first thing they said was sciatic nerve pain. Now after the tests, we have found spinal stenosis, gallstone, and a fatty liver...all this pain started when I had the mirena IUD put in and also lots of stress with my fiance' being put on the heart transplant list, and my mother-in-law coming to live with us with ALZ....stress really causes more pain in so many ways.
Stress does make every pain worse and we kind of train ourselves to respond to the misery. I know it is new agey but relaxation techniques have been effective for some people. It doesn't change the pain really but some people can learn to sense it in a different way. I don't have any links but have seen that research. The problem, of course, is that people have their own way of responding so nothing works for everyone.

I was 44 and it was about 7 weeks ago when I had gallbladder removal surgery. A biopsy was taken and the hospital had a problem with it, so I had a transjugular biopsy last week. I am still waiting on results.
At this point I am asymptomatic and had it not been for the surgery I would not have known!
The amazing thing is that 20 million Americans have liver fibrosis without symptoms. Many only learn they are in danger accidentally like you did because of some other procedure. I wonder how many others in the community have had that experience. I learned of my problem in the same way with gallbladder surgery.
I'm 28. I haven't been diagnosed, but I've had two full blood tests that show my liver results aren't good. The doctor said nothing about it, but I don't want things to get worse. I'm hoping weight loss will help. I've been fat almost my entire life.
Hi Sunrise, you are young to be facing this. A lot of young patients don't get much help because liver issues are supposed to be something that just old people get. Diet is your most important tool. Here is a link that may help you manage liver issues.
Got told i had fatty liver at 28 years old was told yo loose at least 50 pounds i was 184 pounds and i hit diet and excersice right away. Noy much info was given to me and felt like wasbt nothing yo really worry about. Had ever sense then. New doc didnt feel any need to it and basicly brushed it off as nothing serious. I ended up having a car accident and a back injury that unfortunetly didnt help me and i gained the 40 pounds back and started feeling liver pains again. 10 years to the future now and pain is worse then ever got an ulyrasound and yet again fatty liver was diagnosed again and doctor just says ur liver enzymes are a bit high due yo faty liver have uou considered loosing weight?yes of course..n that was all the help or info he shared. Feel low energy in pain everything i eat makes me sick and naustious suffering from depression and anxiety and feel lost with no medical help.reading all your posts is sad that more people are left as lost.
Nafld. Started feeling rubbish at 30, ultrasound showed diffuse fatty liver at 32.
Hi nice to meet you too. I am ok at the minute thanks, dr has got me on 6 monthly bloods and told me to lose some weight, i am overweight but not massively so. I have lost a little so far and feeling better in myself as a result.
I started out as a cirrhosis patient and have improved to a stage 3 fibrosis. Just in case it might be of some interest here is a link to the diet we recommend. I was 210 at my heaviest now 140. Losing weight is the best thing for your liver.
Wow, thats brilliant, well done! I will have a look and keep trying my best with the weight. ☺
Thanks Stacie, the main thing to understand is that your goal is to be as kind to your liver as possible. Don't eat things that make it work harder. The first of those is alcohol, then trans-fat, fructose, refined sugar and starch. Start with that and things will be better for your liver while you work on long term progress.
No I am in severe pain, the doctors are saying I need to lose weight and move more due to my spinal stenosis...I have so much pain that I have to teach myself to walk each morning...I have stomach pain that must be my gallstones, fatty liver, or my nerves ---with sciatic nerve causing so much pain. Also, this all started when I got the mirena IUD put in....I am hoping the doctor removes it and I start to feel some relief...
I was diagnosed at 54. But at 28 I had a liver resection. Had alot of trouble during early 30's. The nothing until this year. NADLD NASH 2
I was 66.
51 years old
I am a 40 year old male. I was just diagnosed with NASH 1 in November. I found out my liver enzymes were high in August. I was around 210 in August and am now 175. Ive changed my diet and been running. Thanks for all the information on here!
53 years old
Im 46 was diagnosed 6 months ago after ct scan . Had symptoms for couple of years before. Didn’t start changing diet until my last labs came back slightly elevated.
I'm 39 and was diagnosed this week. I am in stage 3, just before cirrhosis.
Diagnosed a few months ago at 34. I started feeling RUQ pain more than a year ago though so Ive probably had this going on for a while.
38, diagnosed yesterday
NASH, severe steatosis, stage 2 fibrosis. I was told I need to lose weight (I am considered obese); and was asked to consider bariatric surgery. I’ve been a heavy wine drinker....lots of changes starting now but I’m still in a bit of shock.
My son diagnosed at age 15. Now just turned 16. Think liver part of bigger health picture but drs not interested in whole person or joined up thinking come to that.
I was 65 when formally diagnosed with NAFLD (last year, 2020), after a Fibroscan done by a hepatologist. But I had ultrasounds showing 'mild fatty liver' since 2016. My GP/family physician always dismissed fatty liver as nothing, even when I have been complaining of pain on my RUQ of the abdomen. She kept telling me that my symptoms were from IBS, yet no IBS treatment worked. Misdiagnosed. In fact, I think that an IBS harsh treatment (Constella) made my liver more congested and the fatty liver got worse.