I have fatty liver and diabetes. I have lost 20 lbs and changed my diet. Ii no longer eat anything fried, and stopped drinking six years ago. My sugar level has come down. I was told fatty liver was irreversible,is that true?
Fatty liver , is it reversible ? - Living with Fatty...
Fatty liver , is it reversible ?

No your Liver can regenerate itself as long as it's caught before becoming Cirrhosis.
You are doing all the right things, Diet and exercise seems to be the key to reversing or slowing Fatty Liver.
HI HnyBny I was looking at your original post and just wondered how you are doing? I appreciated your note to devilinda
Hi Wayne, Thanks for asking about me, I'm getting ready to start another Clinical Trial, I'm trying to get all dental work done before because no Dentist would touch me while on last trial meds. When I had the pressure checked after last trial they go through your juggler, the back of my head and back was full of blood. Cirrhosis itself thins your blood on top of trial meds. My pressure did not go down, I'm pretty sure I received the real meds because the whole time taking them my heart rate stayed 20 beats lower than normal. This new trial is in phase 2, side effects are Cancer in Monkeys and Rats and possibly worsening of Cirrhosis, it's a 25 week trial but I can opt to stay on it 45 weeks if I choose. This Medicine is intended to lower portal hypertension and possibly reverse Cirrohos! It will save So Many Lives, maybe not mine but my Son's. I have bumps and blisters all over my tongue and need a biosopy. I'm having an endoscopy on the 30th. They are not sure if my tongue issues are coming from the disease or the trial meds. This Disease affects so many things, my hair is falling out by the handful, I have developed osteoporosis, my skin is so thin if I lightly scratch my arm I will get a blood blister or start bleeding. I'm being watched carefully because doctors say I have Severe Portal hypertension. My cousin died from hemmoriaged to death and didn't even know he had Liver problems. I'm very scared to do this trial, Cancer on top of my issues would be horrible, My Mom passed away in May after horrible suffering with pantriac Cancer. My Hepetic Encepholothy seems to be under control at the moment, it flares up when I have infection in body.
Wishing you all the best. Thank you for being willing to do the trial, it is the only way we can beat this thing but the comorbidities are the biggest challenge
Hi again HnyBny I was wondering if you would be willing to tell your story on the foundation site? In order to move care and screening options faster I need to put a patient face on the problem. People generally do not know what patients go through. Here is a link that might give you an idea of what we are looking for fattyliverfoundation.org/st...

Diet and exercise are a real treatment for fatty liver here is a link that might help you fattyliverfoundation.org/di...
Hi, its great to hear you are successfully making those simple changes. My understanding is that you can reverse fatty liver and definitely stop it getting worse, so its really worth the effort.
NAFLD is reversible. Some damage to the liver may indeed be permanent and significant; however, changing the level of fat and/or reversing fat storage back to fat processing is something the liver CAN do. You've made great progress and are on the right path. Studies show that losing even a little weight (10lbs) can start your liver back on a healthy path to recovery. The best (and hardest) thing is changing your diet and adding more exercise. you've already crossed the first mountain. Well done!