The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) and The Lancet might be the last place you would look for support for fasting - and the last category of people you would think of advocating fast to might be critically ill children, but See:
Fasting for critically ill children? - Fasting and Furious
Fasting for critically ill children?
I have not paid to read the full article but I cannot find references to fasting, only the timing of parenteral nutrition.
Have you accessed the full article and found something different?
Hi, MissisB
I found the study by searching for "Fasting Autophagy", and I think they thought that:
"withholding supplemental parenteral nutrition" equated to fasting.
It says it is a study of the benefits of late versus early parenteral nutrition. There is no mention of fasting or enteral nutrition in the synopsis, which was why I was asking if you had read the full text to clarify.
It says:
"...withholding supplemental parenteral nutrition for 1 week... reduced infections and accelerated recovery from critical illness in children."
Hi both
I've just read the article and the cut-off to receive either early or late parenteral feeding was 80% or below target caloric intake. So this was anyone from 0% enteral intake up to 80%.
Our paeds intensive care may be atypical but I was quoted approximately half of patients able to feed enterally at all.