There are some diseases and conditions that will not be improved by (Intermittent) Fasting.
Can you help us compile a list?
It would make it easier if we had a separate sub-thread for each contra-indication.
There are some diseases and conditions that will not be improved by (Intermittent) Fasting.
Can you help us compile a list?
It would make it easier if we had a separate sub-thread for each contra-indication.
Trying to conceive
Type one Diabetes
If you transition into (Intermittent) Fasting, and have regular INR checks, I do not think it would be a problem.
My INR decreased, so I took 1mg/day more Warfarin - now I am on Eliquis, and it might be partially because I am fasting that my doctor put me on Eliquis (=Apixaban).
HIV (see chapter 4 of this book