Hi…I had shingles 3 weeks ago on my face which was originally treated with anti virals..I then got an ear infection which was treated with antibiotics and all appeared to be healing but on the day my hearing came back I got facial palsy and was officially diagnosed with RHS with moderate FP. I’ve just finished my 7 day course of steroids and are seeing very small signs of improvement in my face…a few more creases on forehead..tingles on face etc. at this point I don’t really know what to do next. GP said it should be cleared up in three weeks am off work for another week but looking online am not sure what I should be doing. The facial palsy website which has been a great source of information doesn’t suggest exercise at this stage other than massage. Am keen to push forward with whatever I can but also aware of not to push to hard. I could use private healthcare but don’t want to go down that road unless it will provide actual benefit ie is it worth waiting the three weeks to see what level of palsy I have then. I feel like I should go back to work as I could probably manage it as the pain is only bad at night and the palsy is manageable. However I think stress at work may have been the cause of the outbreak but worry about staying off work for too long. Am not sure how long I should give it before going back?! Any guidance or advice or personal experience would be appreciated.
Ramsey Hunt recovery : Hi…I had shingles... - Facial Palsy UK
Ramsey Hunt recovery

Hi, I think that you should listen to your body especially as you are still experiencing some pain at night. There is useful information on our website here in the returning to work section: facialpalsy.org.uk/support/... . This video we recorded from a Facebook Live may also be useful to watch: youtu.be/i_4VAfs-uds . Our support team can help with more information as well. Email support@facialpalsy.org.uk if you would like to arrange to speak to someone. I hope you feel much better soon and do contact our support team if you need more help.
If you could get a telehealth with Jodi Barth at The Center For Facial and Functional Recovery she would give you the absolute and best advice/direction. 240-833-2921. It will be worth every penny! She's tough to get in with but if you tell them that you're in the early stages they will make you a priority!
I wish someone had told me about her in my beginning stages of RH 4 years ago. I am stuck with a pesky nerological disorder called Sykenises. I can't smile fully, it's hard to chew and I still have discomfort in my neck/shoulder and whole rt side of my head unless I eat super clean. My eye blinks uncontrollably when I eat, smile or talk. It's so distracting and looks really weird. Kids are always staring at me like "what is wrong with your face". I jump in on these inquiries any chance I get to save others from being burdened with this condition!
Best of luck!
Ok I will take a look. Thanks for the heads up and yes it is very frustrating with the lack of common knowledge on RH. Sorry to hear about your experience…was it because you did the wrong things in the early stages? I saw a little bit of change even after just 10 days so tried to push it but have been told that’s the worst thing you can do. I had it in my head that it would just click into place and everything would just work as normal!
Yes, I wasn't given the right treatment for a long enough period of time. Since you are already experiencing movement, you are in a better position than I was. I had zero movement for over 6 months and am still limited quite a bit. I just encourage everyone to take this condition very seriously and get the best help just so you don't end up with any long term effects like I struggle with. Jodi Barth is the best and only deals with facial palsy patients. People fly to her from all over the world. Best of luck!