My first IVF cycle at 20: 11. Hello... - Essential Parent ...

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My first IVF cycle at 20

nancy_diggs profile image
6 Replies

11. Hello. I am 20 and this is the first time that I will be going through an IVF cycle. I was diagnosed with an unexplained infertility though I produce healthy eggs but not able to conceive. I have heard multiple times that it takes awhile possibly 6 months to get pregnant after you had been on the pill so I had let 4 months go by without really thinking of anything. At month 5 of trying I finally went into see an OB to have them check everything to make sure I was ready and good to go to have a baby. She told me they can't diagnose "infertility" until after 1 year of trying so she told me to keep trying (I was not OK with that answer) 3 months later I went back to see a different OB because my mom had just had a hysterectomy and they had found endometriosis in her so I wanted to ask if they thought I had it. 2 months after I had met with that OB I had a tubal dye study, and a laparoscopy to see if my tubes were open and to check if I had endometriosis. Well I did and 1 of my tubes seem to be blocked. At that point when they found the endo they wanted me to try the basal body temperature and after trying 2 months doing that I went to see a fertility specialist. So then we went to a 2 hour meeting at a fertility specialist that put me on letrozole and have just been through my Lining Check appointment, it is 10mm. There are 16 of my own embryos frozen and ready. Transfer is a week away. As per the original plan, we had opted to do 2 embryo transfers but my RN now recommends one. Is transferring two embryos at my age advisable? Your thoughts on this issue please. Anyone else around the age of 20 going through the same thing? Does anyone else who are in their 20's worry about getting judged for being too young?

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nancy_diggs profile image
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6 Replies
diannakey profile image

Hey there, read your post, don't worry about what other people say or think! You're on this incredible journey for you and your dear husband and it's all to get your precious little bundle. I'm 28 now, but we started the whole IVF journey when I was 27. Age is just a number. We've been actively trying since I was 24/25 or there abouts. We're pretty open about it now, I like taking about to because people have a taboo idea and misconception of IVF. Honestly don't worry, this is your journey and it's an incredible journey! As per your egg transfer your RN is probably right. I would advise the same to you too. You have age on your side, why do you want to handle more babies at one go when you can bring up one at a time? Even when I was 28 and having my first baby, the doctor recommended that I have only 1. And since you have adequate frozen embryos, why be in a rush to have more babies. You have all the time in the world to plan out how many babies you should have in your lifetime. All the best to you and hope to hear good news soon. Babydust to you

RashidaCSeger profile image

Hi, when I went through my IVF cycle at 41, my RE wanted me to have three as it was first baby and I did not have time on my hands like you. We had twins from this procedure for the first week. Unfortunately one died and now one is there. We’re currently waiting for the 12 weeks stage. The most important thing while making the decision is to listen to what doctor recommends for your case. If the embryos are genetically tested then the chances of success must be greater. Some things you need to consider is how do you and your partner feels about having twins? How do you feel about having a twin pregnancy? You have to look into all these things before deciding. If you are concerned about failed IVF then don’t worry, as you have time on your hands and can start over, but I know how it feels when you so much want to get pregnant. If you aren't looking to take on twins, transfer one. Especially if you will have left overs, which will net multiple tries. In hindsight, I wish I had done genetic testing so I could have transferred one with confidence, but we did not, we transferred three as recommended by our embryologist, and we had twins on our last cycle. I, of course, do not regret them but it was rough. Hope this helps you. However, a lot depends on the quality of the embryos too. If yours is of good quality, it is preferable that you should transfer one only for now and take it forward from there in life. Also one of my best friend who had her first egg collection a few months ago, is 31, very healthy, only had 7 harvested. Of the 7 only 2 fertilized, 1 implanted, 1 frozen. Advised both were unlikely to 'take' - she's now 20 weeks pregnant. So it is advisable that you go with what your RE says and in case if you are good to take care of twins you can go for two as well. It is entirely your and your husband’s decision on what you should do.

RashidaCSeger profile image

My case is slightly different from the others but ultimately I too come to the same conclusion as them. When I started IVF, my doctor recommended 2. That was the way it was then. However, I got PG on every one and had complications all the time. At that time, I chose to transfer one. I am glad that I did because if another embryo had been transferred with my son’s, then my son’s embryo would have been at risk. And also transferring one egg gives every individual embryo its own growth opportunity without any risk from its neighbor embryo. I have bad eggs 1st time put back 5 (only 1 blast, 1 morala and 3 slow 10 cell which we knew wouldn’t make a baby, just didn’t wanna trash anything) on day 5 and only 1 took, second time put back 3 miscarriage, 3rd time put back 3 none took last time put back 3 and none took again, if you go there and all are blasts I would put back 2 blasts to ensure a baby but know that twins could be a possibility but not always. After all these cycles, we chose to have a single transfer which was genetically tested, 7 embryos had been fertilized and one they were watching closely. DH and I really didn't wanted twins, for many reasons. My RE (reproductive endocrinologist) told me that we transfer 2 primarily due to my age but that she would support us only transferring one. DH will absolutely not hear of transferring two so we went on only doing one. I say one at a time. Conclusion – go for one at time and good luck.

LaurettaVIrving profile image

I fully agree with All the people. It gives every individual embryo its own growth opportunity without any risk from its neighbor embryo. I say one at a time.

winston1 profile image

Hey nancy .......... well each and every person have his / her own mental and physical capacity. The doctor recommends the best thing for you based on your report. so go with her advice........ Wishing You Luck!!!

nancy_diggs profile image

Thanks for replying all of you. Yeah I keep telling myself that it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, but I think the hormones are making me super paranoid! Thanks for the reassurance, and nice to know of someone similar age going through the same thing. We have been trying since Jan 2016 when I was 19 and I really didn't expect to still be trying now, one year on. It's crazy isn’t it. What stage are you at of IVF (in vitro fertilization) at the moment? Is this your first cycle? Wishing you lots of luck, it sounds like it's definitely your time for a BFP.

I have felt relatively well all way through this cycle so far, apart from a bit of tiredness and mood swings. Until about day 7 of my stims I started feeling really hungry and sick at the same time, it's worse at night time when I’m tired, and I have an extremely dry mouth all the time which makes me feel queasy for some reason, did you experience symptoms to the meds?

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