Hoping someone can try make sense of things for me as I feel at a complete loss and really don’t know what to do next…
My daughter, now 3, has pretty much been constipated for her entire 3 years! She’s been on laxido for possibly a year. She started potty training herself really and then all of a sudden about 6 months ago she started weeing herself. It’s like she doesn’t know she’s doing it. I thought maybe due to be constipated it was causing her to wee herself? Is this a thing?
She is doing around 2-3 snake like poos a day but sometimes she will have marks in her knickers and again it’s like she doesn’t know she’s done it but because of this it’s causing her bum to be sore.
At the moment she is only on 1 sachet of laxido a day. Should I up it? I did have her on 1 in the morning and 1 evening but I felt it was just burning her bum so the doctor told me to try just 1.
I have read the ERIC website and it mentions the watery poo but we just aren’t getting there.
I just don’t know what to do next. Any advice would be so appreciated. I think it makes me really stressed thinking she’ll never grow out of it which in turn stresses her out.
Thank you in advance