My 4 year old daughter has just come out of the second disimpaction since Christmas and now on a maintenance dose of Laxido which seems to be doing the trick.
However, we’re finding it frustratingly difficult to get her to poo on the toilet. We’re trying to schedule her toilet trips and most of the time she poos when we get her on it. A few times she’s told us she needs it but other times she does it her pants again.
Obviously I’m aware her colon etc will be stretched and it will take time for things to go back to normal where she can feel the urge to go - hence the scheduling. But she’s resistant (doesn’t like being told what to do if it’s not her idea) and it’s causing a lot of stress (on both sides).
So far we tried -
Setting an alarm and asking her to choose the music
Reward charts
Chocolate buttons
Songs and rhymes
I’m at the end of my tether - any advice?