Hello. My daughter who is 4 has been suffering with enuresis - daytime wetting for a year and a half now.
She had a scan on her bladder and they said it was fine.
She was prescribed oxybutynin and has been on it for 8 months although it doesn’t seem to do anything.
The last 4 months she started soiling daily too.
She’s not doing it on purpose and doesn’t like that it’s happening.
I told the paediatrician about this in July but she didn’t seem bothered.
Doctors feel her tummy all the time and say she isn’t constipated but I feel like there must be a blockage somewhere.
When she does go for a poo they’re quite fluffy/mushy/paste like consistency and they stink.
She used to go daily, sometimes twice a day but now it’s every few days.
The paed said she was going to repeat the bladder scan?? I don’t understand why when it came back fine before!
I feel like no one actually cares and that they all think she’ll grow out of it.
I’ve started keeping a food diary and started giving her probiotics too to see if they help or if it’s worse after certain foods.
Was considering going private if we can afford it because the length of time it’s taking is ridiculous.
She’s now started school and as you can imagine this happening at school isn’t ideal and she worries.
Breaks my heart seeing her go through this.
Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas or experience that will help or comfort us.
Sorry for the long post.
Thank you x