My son has been on 1 sachet movicol for a year and poos every day with some accidents in his pants. He sits on the toilet 5 times a day in his toilet routine
His bladder and bowel nurse started him on senna 2 weeks ago. To start with 5ml then increase to 7.5ml. At 5ml we noticed no difference. So we upped it to 7.5ml on Friday, Saturday and Sunday night.
He has not had a poo on the toilet since Thursday. He is having 3-4 accidents in his pants each day. He is still having 1 sachet of movicol every morning. We have tried giving him another dose of movicol last night, warm baths, rubbing his tummy and there has been nothing.
What should I do? Continue with senna or stop? How can I get him to poo?