My 4 year old has been having very soft stool leaks on and off for most of her potty training life. We have had periods of several weeks at a time where she is absolutely fine and then the accidents begin again. The doctors felt her tummy and didn't think it felt like she was constipated, but after some protesting on my part due to her complaining her tummy hurts a lot, they agreed to prescribe some movicol. Theys suggested we began with one sachet a day and up it if needed, but we didn't think it was doing much so we have gone with trying to disimpact. So far we have done 2 days of 2 sachets, 2 days of 4 sachets and 2 days of 6 sachets. Her stool is not yet fully watery, but she's definitely getting more out than she was before. I'm a bit nervous about upping it any more, does anyone have any advice on how we know when she is definitely cleared out? As I'm not certain there is a blockage, I don't know if I'm doing more harm than good!
Trialing disimpaction: My 4 year old has been having... - ERIC
Trialing disimpaction
Once you have worked up to the maximum dose for their age stay there until you reach watery stools with no lumps consistently for 3 days before you start reducing the doses down extremely slowly ie one sachet every 3 days until you reach a suitable maintenance dose to remain on. After 2 weeks if things arent moving, according to the nice guidelines you can add a stimulant laxative to help with the disimpaction. Ensure that they are drinking enough water on top of the movicol as this does not count towards the daily allowance of fluids. If they are toilet trained regular toilet sits after every meal will also help.
Hi if no disimpaction has worked we were told to swop it around so reduce to get it firmer type 4 but whippy .but if your child in pain then up sachets again 3 days of 222 333 444 555 666 so on then when u reduce back down slowly. My daughter also on sodium pic
Thanks both, its really hard to tell whether it was watery enough because she seemed to have hardly anything left in her to come out. We have started reducing as we're running out of sachets and I feel like the doctors are going to be really reluctant to prescribe any more. If there wasn't much coming out, is that likely a sign that she isn't getting enough extra water? it's so hard to get her drinking!