Hi. My son has just turned 4 and has been potty training for a year now. He took a while to get the hang of wees but is ok with them now. He still won't use the toilet or potty for poos and has daily accidents in his pants. When at home he'll often go off and hide, then come out having had an accident. He flat out refuses to sit on a potty or toilet and try to poo. Once or twice I've managed to get him to use the toilet for a poo by just repeatedly putting him back on but it's taken 30minutes plus and ended with him getting very upset.
His preschool have asked if they can put him in a nappy. I've said no as he starts school in September and if we put him back in nappies now I don't see how he'll be ready for school start.
Does anyone know anything I could try? We've already tried poo goes home to pooland and he's had movicol for constipation previously.