Has anyone had similar experiences with their child/ children. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as this can be very stressful for my daughter. Sometimes she even refuses to go to the toilet at home if there is a slight change in the toilet such as new lights, or seeing toilet cleaner in loo which I have learnt not to use while she is in the house. She also uses pull ups for poo as she has never been on loo to do this.
My daughter is 5 and has autism, she is very anxious ... - ERIC
My daughter is 5 and has autism, she is very anxious about using any toilet outside of the house and holds herself all day at school,
Hi. My little boy who is 5 also does this. He will sit on the toilet at school but can’t wee. He has frequent accidents in the classroom. We have been referred to CAMHS as school suspect ASD (as do we). We’ve tried everything. He’s not motivated by reward charts etc. We take his potty when we go out (he’ll only use a certain potty). He’s far to big for it but at the moment it’s the only way we can holiday etc.The continence team were involved for a bit buy after I refused to complete anymore wee charts (after 5) we were discharged.
So unfortunately I don’t have the solution but you aren’t alone. It’s hard and frustrating. Here if you want to chat further.
Try a potty/game with a dolly and toy potty if you have 1. Is she still uesing potty seat or normal toilet seat. You need a lot of patience and she needs to learn to relax about useing the toilet, play some music. Have a book or toy my girls like to play with a fidget while on the toiket, keeps her occupied and forcused on the toy