Hi, so I have an 8 year old son who has been constipated. We did the 1st disimpaction 3 weeks ago and decided to do a 1 sachets dose. After 1 week of 1 sachet a day my son complained that when he pood ot hurt his bum so I suggested we up the dose to 2 a day as it sounds like the poo is too hard to pass. He has started soiling himself again, he goes to the toilet 3 times a day after breakfast, lunch and dinner. Sometimes has a poo and sometimes doesn't. He has also said his tummy is hurting when he drinks the laxative drink. I have no idea where to go from here, do I just continue with the 2 laxatives a day or do I do the disimpaction again. He started soiling himself only a week after the disimpaction. I am totally lost as to what to do.
Soiling After Disimpaction : Hi, so I have an 8 year... - ERIC
Soiling After Disimpaction
Definitely disimpact again, you need to reach watery stools for a few days before you start reducing the doses down slowly, one sachet every three days is a good way to find a suitable maintenance dose. Ensure they drink plenty of fluids on top of the osmotic laxative as this does not count towards their daily allowance of liquid and make sure you mix each sachet with the correct amount of water.
We did the full disimpaction, so it was watery poo. I didn't reduce the dose slowly though. We went straight to the maintenance dose after the disimpaction and it took a few days for his poo to get back to normal. He was clean for a week a doing really well and then just started soiling again. I thought can it build up that quickly. I'll disimpact again though. Thank you
Having a similar issue with my 4 year old, her tummy becomes bloated, her bowls are all over the place some days and had to disimpact her numerous times including NG tube disimpaction, my best advice which comes from the NHS is to disimpact fully watch for water stools which are almost clear for 3 days, then lower the sachet by one a day until the stool is a soft sausage to get the correct maintenence dose, my daughter is undergoing tests for colitis now as the diet they thought she needed isn't helping her they thought it was dairy she was allergic too