hi, new here so pleased to find this forum.
My 5 year old son has been having soiling accidents. He goes to a forest kindergarten so the toilets are not right where he is, and I'm not sure if that has been the problem or something else? He will withhold his poo as his default and thats not always successful leading to some soiling accidents of varying degrees.
He has a pretty well rounded diet with lots of fruit &veg and is happy to drink a decent amount of water. We have 'toilet time' after breakfast and dinner (and lunch if he's not at nursery) which he is happy to do and if he has success there, there are obviously less accidents. his stools are soft and easy to pass mostly.
He starts school in August and obviously i'm worried about him having accidents there if he doesn't take himself to the toilet.
he's not on any medication at all. Any advice?