This is a bit of a long post sorry, I am literally at my wits end. My son is 4 for the last I say 2 years he has been very constipated to the point he is screaming and he is in so much pain when he goes.. it’s horrible and heartbreaking. At first I thought it could be his diet maybe. But his diet has never been bad like he’s always had a good balanced diet. The doctors have prescribed him a lot of different laxatives and they just don’t work for him at all! A lot of it with him now is psychological he is scared to go now because he knows it will hurt him I have literally tried everything I can to help him you name it I’ve tried. All this evening I’ve sat him on the toilet every time he would get the urge to go but he just isn’t going. I just don’t know what more I can do. He can hold it in for at least a week. It’s horrible.
I don’t really know what I’m expecting from this post. But Thankyou