Help . My 6 year has had problems with Constipation since the age of 3 . He’s been on movical and the most recent sodium pica sulphate . The main problem is he doesn’t tell us when he needs a more he’ll happier just poop in his pants he sometimes tells us when he has had a accident. But also if you ask him if his done a poo in his pants and I know he has he will Deni that he has done one till his blue in face . We have tried everything sticker charts sticker everything we can think of . He has never gone to the loo by himself to do a poo . Anyone else been through something similar I’m at my wits end . He don’t have half the accidents we used to .
Help : Help . My 6 year has had problems with... - ERIC
Regular toilet sitting after every meal. Take him 10 minutes after every meal, it will build up a good routine.
He may need disimpacting as he can't feel when he needs to go to the toilet. My 8 year old son was like that.
I would suggest disimpacting and a good toilet routine as suggested.
It's worked for us but it will take a while to sort itself out. As it's the summer holidays it's a good time to start.
Good luck.
Thanks for the reply’s . My done does have a regular toilet routine , but never manages to actual go when we take him . When he has a a high dose of his spf he goes as it it comes out and he has no choice . I’m getting rather upset by it all and very down , have a a another boy and he is 8 with additional needs . I am at my wits end I don’t think I can cope anymore, all I want is for him to poo on the toilet . He starts year 2 in September and very worried .