We have just started our first disimpaction with our 4 yr old. Dr told us that she could basically feel poo all around his tummy so he was very constipated. We are now on day 4, on the maximum amount prescribed for him ( he's only 15kg) and apart from 1 large type 2 after the very first dose we have had nothing else since. Is this normal or should I be concerned? It's only because I took him to A &E because he had symptoms of appendicitis that we have got the disimpaction regime, our gp was just going to give lactose.
Disimpaction advice: We have just started our first... - ERIC
Disimpaction advice

Yes keep going until you reach rusty water looking poo, stay there for 3 consecutive days before you start reducing the dose very slowly ie 8,8,8,7,7,7,6,6 and so on until you reach a suitable maintenance dose of laxative. After a week you can add senna to the regime to help stimulate the bowels.
We were only told maximum of 6 sachets a day. For a 4 year old he is very light, only 15 kgs. His stomach isn't distended and he doesn't complain of pain. They only diagnosed him feeling his tummy, didn't do any x Ray's to check like they would do on adults.
I understand their reasoning behind only going to 6 sachets, however if he’s so constipated that they can feel it so far up then it may need more than 6 to shift it...
I know my daughter never really starts properly pooing until she’s at the 6 to 8 sachets a day. And this time we had to stay of 8 for nearly a week to get to the really watery stage to make sure it was all clear.
Perhaps try and speak to the GP again and see if they can advise.
We have now reached a thick brown liquid , like sludge stage, after 8 sachets. Have we now got to the right stage for cutting back or do we need to hold out for a bit longer. We have had 24 hours of 8 sachets. I have asked the dr for senna just in case, I don't know if they have prescribed it as everything has been done by email and they haven't said what they have prescribed ( asked for repeat prescription for movicol and senna)
I would keep going on the top dose until you get to brown water