Hi, my son has struggled with bed wetting on and off since he was 6. At this stage, his grandad died and he moved schools. Since then he's regularly wet the bed. Since lockdown, he has been better and had a few weeks dry, but this week he's been wet 5 nights in a row. Any suggestions? He's never had movicol or anything like that, doesn't drink juice, doesn't drink late. Really struggling, wondering if it's because he's worrying about things but he can't / won't say if he is Any advice gratefully received x
Nearly 9, bedwetting: Hi, my son has struggled with bed... - ERIC
Nearly 9, bedwetting

Hi Samson
If he has been dry - made that developmental leap - and then become wet again and this has been going on for a couple of years now, you really need to see the GP and perhaps get some investigations going. Even though it may be emotional matters that are at root as you allude too as a possibility, there are a number of possible physical factors that really need to be checked.
My child suffers from primary nocturnal enuresis rather than secondary as your child does, but my own experience as a child was SNE and was kicked off by a house move, stressed parents taking on a new business who were just too overwhelmed to offer much attention to a lonely stressed child with difficult home circumstances. However, in the light of my own children's range of health issues and the inheritance factor, it would seem likely that there was probably something physiological going on for me as a SNE child as well as emotional issues. Incidentally, as a child I don't think I could have found the words to really explain how stressed I felt, nor did I recognise really that, in my case, my life was a disorderly affair; it was my normal. What I am trying to say is that I think kids may often find it difficult to put into words what IS bothering them, but the recognition that some regular extra TLC is in order can sometimes be good enough in itself, if that makes sense.